Barry x Reader

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You sigh and hold your pokeball in your hand. What to do? Your mom is moving to Kalos but your dad is moving to Unova. They're divorcing. But all you, their only child, wanted to do was stay in Sinnoh.

You felt very conflicted right now. You sat in your house in twinleaf town, boxes of your belongings scattered everywhere, when your best friend barges In. He has the most drained and u happy face you've ever seen out of the hyperactive blonde.

Oh no. Barry. Wait, oh my Arceus is he crying!?

"You didn't tell me you were moving! Why!?"

Oh Arceus no. He had tears brimming his Amber eyes. You've never ever EVER seen Barry cry, not even as a kid. This was behind disturbing and setting off so many red flags. You never sprang up so fast to anyone in your entire life.

"Hey! Barry! It's okay. When I'm old enough I'll come straight back here. Promise."

"But that's, like, a FOREVER away!"

He wailed again. You could hear your parents bickering downstairs mix into his sobbing. He was now hugging you as I feel letting go would mean you just poof out of existance. You didn't want to go. He didn't want you to go. Neither of you wanted this. You were best friends forever! THiugh you had some attraction to him thst doesn't matter right now! Back to the story.

"I know I know, but I'll write every day and send carrier starlies so we can keep in touch! I don't wanna go either but-"

"If you don't wanna then why!?"

He wailed again, stomping his foot in a little temper tantrum. Fun fact Barry is the king of temper tantrums. Just a little tidbit you may want to know for future reference.... and genetic filings in your future kids BUT THATS A SPOILIER WEE WOO WEE WOO SPOILER POLICE HAS COME TO ARREST EVANGELINE!!! But this is a Barry x Reader so it's a no brainer. Seriously I really need to get back on task. This is what's happens when I'm tired and it's after softball practice....

You looked to the side at the picture of your family. All together in one photo. Mum, Dad, and you with your house Pokémon Shinx and Roselia, then you're own precious starly you had since it was an egg. You and Barry played with Starly all the time. Staraptor was in his pokeball right now.

"My parents are splitting up and moving away. I have to choose one and live with them..."

You say nervously. Barry processes this in his overemotional hyper mind Andy then something clicks. If he concpvinces your parents to let you live with him, then you can stay in Sinnoh! Perfect plan! He grins wide.

"Then you can live with me! We can have sleepovers every day and have Pokémon battles and play video games and go on another journey it'd be so much fun! Who needs your parents anyway? No one breaks apart the Barry and (your name) duo!"

He takes your hand without further word and rushes you downstairs where your parents are fighting over your custody again and they were fighting in who you'd pick. Honestly you'd pick Barry because he's your best friend since, like, ever and you had a teen you tiny massive crush on him that wasn't important yet.

Your parents stop when they see Barry with a cocky smile and you looking really depressed hand in hand. THey turn to you with no words and let Barry speak.

"I know you two are moving and all but can (Your name) stay? Pretty please? My Mom can take care of her and she can live with me! Please please please!"

Barry begged, still holding onto your hand. You nodded along with him with pleading eyes, squeezing your hand. Your mother sympathized while your dad crossed his arms.

"Why should we? She's our child and she'd have a much better time with me in Unova. Plus I'd only let her stay for one reason."

You and Barry listen in closer to his reason. The words startle you both so hard you step back and Barry has a coughing/wheezing fit. Heh, wheezing. POKEMON PUNS FOR THE LOLLLLLLZ!!! 

"Only if she had a boyfriend here."

Then your mom piped up.

"And if he stole her first kiss! That's the big one!"

So both parents had their arms crossed. Barry looked at you and you looked at Barry. Well Magikarp paste. You two were best friends and he was your crush. You could lie about both but what if they ask for proof? Barry didn't think of that. He just went with his guts. That should be his ability.

"Well that's me! Im her boyfriend!"

He pounded his fist to his chest and you smiled at his carelessness. This was why you liked him. He had this sure of himself grin but your father had a smirk tugging his lips. Your mom believed it though.

"Oh yeah? Prove it. Kiss her."

That smug look. Barry flushed red but kept composure. Good job for a ten year old. Unlike you, you were a human Christmas tree! He grabbed your face and pressed a big wet smooch on your lips. Honestly it had to be the best feeling ever.

Sloppy and awkward, how all first kisses are! But is it a real first kiss if there's no tongue? Eh you woudlnt want to find out. You're fricking ten years old! Oh well. Your dad seemed shocked he did it. Barry didn't wipe his mouth and neither did you. You both stared him down. Together, as in in unison, you both said with the smuggest smiles ever:

"That prove it?"

And you got to stay in Sinnoh with Barry, and then you dated for real! The end. Happy ends for all. La la la la la

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