Steven Stone x Reader

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So my REALLY good friend PokemonGladion, who has her own one Shots book that is super better than mine and bless her soul because she requests so often and she's sick so get better soon bab, gave me three requests and this was the only one who I knew how to do right off the bat. I had an idea and it just clicked. But I got these requests at eleven at night and I needed sleep so I waited until morning to do this. I had more dreaming/thinking time.

But a question for another one of her requests... How does one Yandere? I mean, I wrote it before but I never did it good.

Don't worry, THIS ONE isn't yandere. You're good. In know what? No spoilers. STORY TIME! Come on grab your friends! We're going to very distant lands with Steven Stone And (Your name) the Reader the fun will never end its storytime!

Steven Stone was a very successful man in his life up to now. He grew up with a fascination of rockstar and steel bringing him to rise up and become champion of the Hoenn region with his father still running the Devon corporation. Now he was defeated after a long seven years of being champion by a Miss May Thorn. Now he has taken over the Devon Corporation from his father and runs it better than anyone ever could in this time. 

Where do you fit in all this, Reader-Chan? Well, you're his most trusted secretary. You sit in in a desk and get to weed out the people worthy of speaking to the President of Devon. If someone just wanted an autograph you'd ask of he wouldn't mind and escort the fans there if he is alright. You'd direct Important contacts from other regions to him and manage the finacanes and file important contracts and all thst boring stuff.

You got a call from someone and you picked up the phone. It was someone warning you thst someone is coming up without an appointment and says that Steven will just let him in no matter what. You were puzzled until you saw the man step out of the elevator.

"Oh! (Your annoying nickname)! What a joy it is to see you! Still working the desk? That's a shame. Hey, where's Stevie?"

Wallace. It was Wallace. Yeah, Steven would take the time for his visit even if he was in a conference. He said done that's before, held a contest to talk to Wallace. He doesn't visit often because he's Busy with the Stoopolis gym. Steven and Wallace we're best friends since childhood. You knew Wallace from the first time he came into the building and started flirting with you. He's not your type.

You pressed a button on the phone with a bright smile. Wallace was annoying but pleasant company, not as pleasant as Steven's company but still...

"Mr. Stone! There's a Wallace here to see you!"

Wallace snirked about you saying his name like he was an object. All secretaries do it and Wallace found it the funniest thing in the world. You gained an accomplished smirk. Steven came running out into the room with his hair And tie skewed. 


"Hey Mr. Stone!"

Steven ran up and hugged his best friend. It's been a whole year since he saw Wallace, he was beginning to worry something terrible happened to him. You watched this with a smile and the two men talked when suddenly a wild topic arose. This was one neither you or Steven wanted to catch.

"So, did you ever find a bride?"

Wallace's suggestive look at Steven with wriggling eyebrows made the matters worse. You understood that Steven was a busy man, far too preoccupied to find the perfect woman to bare his children. The reason you hated this is because of your own silly crush on the man.

"No, Wallace. I've been busy."

Wallace looked over at you and you immediately jerked your head to the desk. Big mistake doo doo brain. Get that reference and Bubbles will give you her crayons. 

"I'm sure (your annoying nickname) wouldn't mind~"

The room became silent as you hid under your desk like you left the room to get some coffee. You couldn't take the fiery inferno resign in the bloos under your cheeks, boiling without a care. Your heart pounded in your chest. You hated your crush on Steven, yet it was amazing. 

Wallace knew you were hididng but Steven looked over at the desk with a hopeful look only to be Shot down when you weren't there. He sighed.

"(Your name)? Well, she is sweet and hard working, always gets the job done. She's smart and stubborn in the best way possible. It makes me wonder if she ever would want to be a bride, ecspecially my own."

Wallace smirked and looked over the desk. Steven was confused and followed his eyes to see a blushing mess of his secretary standing straight up. Your heart thudded and Wallace stood up.

"I'll leave you two alone. Call me for the wedding!"

With thst, he walked out of the door to see the two hardest working Devon people to their own privacy. 

Well okay, that happened. 

I know, this sucked and I'm sorry. I kinda got sidetracked watching the old powderpuff girls in the middle of this so if there's a tone change, that's why


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