Cress x Reader

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Last of the three Striaton Bros. Almost like the three amigos! Heh, nope. But here we are with our little water type bro. 

I'm having fun with these, are you?

You and your Purrloin walked into the Resteraunt. It was a nice evening with a few customers scattered across the resteraunt. Nothing busy. You met eyes with Cilan. He froze when's he saw the Pokémon in your arms. Right, he was scared of Purrloin. Cress saw this and sighed.

Your cute little sundress was waving in the AC and your hat covered your shoulders. You know the Hoenn lady class Trainers, you were in thst outfit but the dress was your favorite color. How's that for a visual?

Cress, the water type Striaton brother, smiled at you. 

"Table for two?"

"Yes please, sir."

He bowed slightly and led you to a table in the center. He handed you a menu and his Panpour put the bread basket and a glass of water on the table. How cute. You wondered where the redhead was? Was he sick?

"One Oran berry omelet and a dark type special please? Thank you."

"No problem, ma'am."

Cross bowed and took his leave to go give the order to the chef. Purrloin purred. The Pokémon loved being in the center because it was the table with the most attention. But Cilan was purposefully avoiding your table. It was hilarious. Did Cress do this on purpose? If so you had to give him major kuddos.

Cress was back in no time with your order. He placed the dishes neatly on the table with a smile and wink. Or you thought it was a wink. It could have been a blink. His bangs covered his left eye so you wouldn't know.

"Uh, Cress. Did you put us here just to spite Cilan?"

Cress had a small smirk hidden in plain sight.

"Of course not! Because one as beautiful as you deserves to Be center of attention."

Out of the corner of your eye you saw Cilan turn around. He was listening. Cress made a good excuse though. Props. Purrloin smirked but began to eat her food.

"But Yes, That is a main reason."

You began to giggle and he looked as though he accomplished a grand feat as he walked off, clearing a now empty tables. It was really funny thinking about it. Did all the brothers pull pranks like this? You wouldn't think Cress was one to pull these pranks. But seeing Cilan react to even getting in a two form radius of Purrloin was perfect entertainment.

You giggled to yourself as you ate. But not because of Cilan. Well, some of the time it's was because Cilan. But you were so giddy to yourself because of that excuse Cress made. It caused your heart to flutter and your face to burn even after he said it. Oh? Speak of the devil. He set another menu on the table.

"Dessert? No worries, on the house. You supplied us with enough entertainment for the day."

Cress had a sideways glance at Cilan. You looked over to see him red in the face. Purrloin licked her lips facing Cilan causing him to stiffen and go into an inhumane position to try and 'defend' himself. You began to giggle and Cress chuckled as Cilan called out:

"I heard that!"

Oh this was just too much! You wiped a small tear out of your eye as you looked at the menu. Purrloin loved dark chocolate, maybe you'd get the troiffles to share. Cress saw you eyeing the certain set of chocolates so he wrote it down and walked off without you needing to say a word.

Purrloin was glaring at Cilan for fun as you looked up. Cress was already gone. How did he already know what you wanted? Cress really was something else.

You passed time by watching the intensely staring contest between Cilan and Purrloin. Cilan tried to be brave by sitting directly in front of Purrloin. Purrloin would occasionally change into a scary face. Once Cilan flinched so hard he fell backwards. You were a giggling mess when Cress came back with two sers of the dessert. He set one in front of Purrloin and one in front of you.

"Cress! I can't pay for-"

"Again, on the House."

He pulled up another chair. Cilantro decided to be brave And sit at the table. You took one trouffle And Cress swiped another. You were about to whine until he wiped a smudge of chocolate off your lip. You blushed. 

Cilan now had an urge for the sweet. Purrloin ate all but one, luckily. But she wanted to have some fun. You and Cress watched as every time Cilan reached for the chocolate Purrloin would bring out her claws or show her teeth.

After a good fireman minutes you rolled your eyes. Purrloin knocked it off and let Cilan have The treat. He popped it in his mouth. Cress chuckled as he reflected the evening's events. You pulled out a pokeball and had Purrloin return before standing up.

"I do believe I should take my leave. Thank you both."

Cress blinked, or winked. You couldn't tell. Cilan smiled.

"See you soon!"

"Wait, it's dark. Shouldn't she stay here in case team Plasma decided to go around."

Cilan sighed with a cringe, hanging his head in defeat. Cress was right, like always. You blinked.

"Won't I be a burden?"

"Not at all!"

You Cress, And a very sick Chili teased Cilan with Purrloin all night long.

OMG I'm just picking on poor Cilan today! Poor bab.


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