Emmet x Reader

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A little Evangeline trivia again, she was the one who got me obsessed with Emmet in my other book. She had a request, I did it. I didn't know him well so after I wrote it I did some research and found the SubMas fandom. Poof, instant obsession.

After this I have to leave for a little while. Fun Fact I am a catcher I'm softball so I juggle around sometimes, other times I just have so much free time I can just write and write and write.

That's enough ranting, let's get on with the story!

You and Emmet giggled trying to sneak offf the train. Ingo was busy and other workers were everywhere.

For months you'd come in twice a week and help Emmet sneak out of the train to have fun in Nimbassa city. He loved the Amusement Park above all so you were going there today. You were dodging Ingo again.

Once he was out of sight, you and Emmet jolted up and bolted towards the door lik Elektross's thunder shock. You could see the exitway when you got caught by an assistant, just barely starting out.

"Mr. Emmet, sir, where are you going with that challenger?"

You both froze hearing the innocent voice of the new recruit on the train. Emmet turned around, you mimicking him. He looked nervous and so were you. This new recruit didn't look like they could keep a good secret...

"Uh! See, uh...This challenger wanted an outside battle so who am I to refuse?"

You both had a drop of swear gliding down the side of your face. You could see the little boy trying to find something wrong with that. Nope. He was a dimwit. After three seconds he beamed. 

"Okay! See you soon sir!"

He gave Emmet a salute as he grabbed your wrist and bolted. You hopped off the train and skidded up the stairs out of the subway station. He started laughing like an idiot as you caught up to him. It was a beautiful afternooj with blue skies and white fluffy clouds. You started laughing too.

"He fell for it!"

Emmet stopped because he was laughing to hard. You tried to keep runnign but he still had an iron grip on your wrist and you ended up doing the thing when dog-Pokemon try to run to fast on a leash and they get pulled back. You fell to the ground causing emmet to do the same. After three seconds you both bursted out laughing again.

It took five minutes for you to calm down. You sat up and pulled Emmet up with you. His hat was crooked and his jacket completely messed up. There was no doubt your clothing and hair shared the same fate.

"Ferris wheel?"

"Not before cotton candy!"

Of course, Emmet loved cotton candy. It was pure sugar on an already energetic cinnamon roll. He giggled and started booking it for the Amusement Park, you rushing after him. He made it to the stand before you and stuck out his tongue. You pouted.

"I'm still paying."

"No! I never pay for myself!"

"Because I'm treating you, Emm!"

Emm was your nickname for Emmet. He adored it. It made him feel less lonely and more giddy when around you. The lady working the stand handed you the cotton candies and you passed her the money. Emmet pouted.

"I wanted to pay!"

"No way! It's my treat!"

Emmet started giggling again and it caught on, you throwing yourself into your own fit of giggles. Emmet looked in front of him, gasped, and froze. YOu followed his eyes to find yourself trying to shrink.

Ingo was standing in front of you with the little boy from earlier under his grasp. He hadn't a disproving scowl on his face.

"Outside challenge, huh?"

He looked menacingly at Emmet. His hand was shaking in your own. He was frowning for the first time since you met him and started coming back.

"Ingo! Niisan! I...uh...sorry."

"Sneaking from the battle subway to come to the Amusement Park without me knowing-"

"Ingo, sir, I brought him here. Blame me."

You stepped forward wit courage, both brothers and the new recruit looking at you. You squeezed Emmet's hand. Ingo looked down to see your entwined fingers before meeting your eyes.

"Why did you?"

You gulped and looked at Emmet. He shook his head. You sucked up your fear of the intimidating Ingo. You needed a good lie. You couldn't tell him about finding Emmet so lonely and sad he couldn't smile right!

"I was lonely after the battle with Emmet so I kept coming back. I suggested we come here today and thst brings us here."

Emmet let out a sigh of relief as Ingo didn't break eye contact. He sighed.

"Fine. But be back by the time the next battle subway starts."


Emmet cheered and hugged you tightly. You had a dust of pink on your cheeks but payed it no mind. You smiled. You watched Ingo walk off without the recruit as Emmet led you to the Ferris wheel.

This was rushed, sorry. I gotta go! IM LATE


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