Marlon x Reader

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Here's to epicface752! I saw some fan art of him and got HYPED!!!! She originally wanted Cross but since he contradicts the show I denied it. I said I would deny if I wanted to.

 I said I would deny if I wanted to

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You know when suddenly your favorite types list shift and water goes from number ten to seven in a flash because of this boy and Cress

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You know when suddenly your favorite types list shift and water goes from number ten to seven in a flash because of this boy and Cress. 

Yeah, I saw this and got an idea so STORYTIME Cool kats! Kowabunga dudes! (How the f*ck do I spell that?)

You were on Your own Mantine off the shores of Alola. It was your boyfriend's break month from the gym and Cress, the former water type gym leader of Unova along with his brothers, promised to look after It For him.

Now you were having a radical vacation with the coolest dude in the universe. Surfing mantinesm catching the waves, feelin the sun. Aww yeah.

You saw Marlon wipe out and you laughed. You leaned over and Mantine curved that direction. You crouched down on Mantine and took Marlon's arm, hoisting him up with you. His Carracosta felt him off his back and just started diving for fun.

Marlon grinned wildly and he held onto you as you directed Mantine back to shore. Carracosta made it back before you because Marlon was extra weight, not much because he was fit but still extra weight.

Marlon jumps onto the sandy Alolan shore of Akala Island and he stretched wide. You jumped off and let Mantine swim a while longer. Mantine was your only water type Pokémon so she never had a lot of time to just swim. Unless you were with Marlon, and he was a busy guy.

"This place is gnarly! I love it here! Eternal paradise! Right, Carracosta?"

The prehistoric Pokémon cried in delight before jumping back into the ocean. MArlon grinned and let all of his Pokemon out to play in the water. The Pokémon were all delighted at the crisp, clear, salty gulf of Akala. You giggled and leaned Into your boyfriend as all them water Pokémon dove out of sight.

Surprisingly, you were still dry. Marlon just noticed this and he picked you up, his arms wrapping just under your chest. Oh, did I mention you are in a bikini? You squealed and struggled against my Your laughing soulmate.

"GERONIMO!!!" Of however the f*ck you spell it. I just sounded it out. Ger (jer) - on - I - mo

He throws you out into the water, where it isnt shallow. You close your eyes tight so the salt doesmt burn them. You feel yourself collapse under the surface and the water spreads in your hair and creases. You unravel yourself and resurface. But the instant you do....


Your boyfriend splashes right in next to you, managing to hug you and bring you down in the process. You playfully wrestle under the water until you get out of his grasp and push yourself upwards, breaking the surface again. You gasp and you see Marlon already surfaced with Jellicent beside him. He's grinning.

"Oh shut up."

You reached for Jellicent but the Pokemon playfully drifted out of your reach. You pouted and Marlon robbed you from behind.

"Need a floatation device?"

"No, you're perfect."

You hugged him and just floated there for hours. You didn't care about the Alolans giving you weird looks the whole time. This was nice. And you loved vacation with Marlon.

Ta da! I'm kinda proud of this short one! Oh, and for the ninety's kids...

Ta da! I'm kinda proud of this short one! Oh, and for the ninety's kids

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I'm sad if you don't get this.


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