Cilan x Reader

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Fun fact: I freaking LOVE the Striaton Bros! They aren't my current obsession but I win them so I'll give them each a new Shots in my book! 

Some Evangeline Hisahoshi trivia: despite me knowing Pokémon since I was a wee four year old Cilan was actually my first pokeboy crush. Why? The black/white anime was good. I've watched the anime since the beginning, yet my first fictional crush was Cilan. How is this possible? Cilan is literally me.

Storytime! (You get used to me saying that.)

The resteraunt was busy today. So busy the brothers had Pamsage, Panpour, and Pansear put distributing drinks and the little bread baskets to customers. Almost every table was packed with Unovan people. You entered with your Herdier at your side. You extange a look with the Pokémon.

Maybe coming here on Easter for lunch was a terrible mistake. 

Cilan glanced up to see you waiting at the front with Herdier. He smiled and made his way Tom You aftermath handing the chef another order ticket. You were a regular here. Sunday's were your treat days after a long week of battles so you'd come here. Cilan, Chili, And Cress already knew you by name.

"Happy Easter, (Your name), and welcome back! Shall I see you And Herdier to a table?"

Herdier barker in content about being included. You treated your Pokémon with the upmost respect, they did a lot for you. You and Herdier followed Cilan to a small booth in the corner. Herdier jumped in the large cushion-y chair and you giggle, closing the Pokémon In.

"Sorry about that, this was the last table we had."

"Relax, Cilan. This is fine! Now, knowing you the next thing you'd ask is 'our specials tonight are blah blah blah blah. May I ask for what drink youd prefer?' Right?"

You do your best Cilan voice and he scoffs under his breath. Herdier does his own version of laughter as you could hear a little girl at the table next to you burst into laughter. You give Herdier a paw-Five.

"I don't sound like that."

You cross your arms, cock an eyebrow, and swing your right leg over the other. You had a bunch of customers looking at you and Cilan just goofing off. Even Chili stopped what he was doing to watch. Cress, however, stayed on task like the good noodle he is.

"Really? Really? I thought I was pretty spot on. Oh no. Herdier, do you know what this means?"

You broke into a Smirk as you saw the color Drain from Cilan's face. You look over at the table the little girl From earlier was at And See a purloin. Maybe if things go out of hand you'd bring up the trump card Purrloin. Over to Your left was a trainer eating with their family and a Pignite. Perfect. Cilan stared into your eyes.

"(Your name) not during the lunch rush..."

Oh no. It. Was. On! You stood up abruptly, waving out your arm so overdramatically before yelling out to the resteraunt:

"Evaluation time!"

You got a handful of stifled laughing already. Cilan sat down, taking your place. You went right up to the Pignite table. The trainer seemed delighted to be a part of this seemingly planned entertainment. Nope! This was just you roasting Cilan. You looked at the Pignite and channeled your inner CIlan. Chili was covering his mouth to prevent snorts and Cress just shook his head and facepalmed. Pansear And Panpour followed their masters but Pansage wanted in.

"This Pignite seemingly has a higher speed stat then most but a low defense stat leaving it vanuarable to some powerful rock type moves that could leave it defenseless in a term. Try to build that up, Otay? Now! Showtime!"

Cilan was hiding in the corner booth with Herdier behind him, just dying. Pansage jumped into your Arms. Oh yes this was perfect. How much can you embarrass Cilan in one day? Should we find out? Is that even a question?! HELL YEAH!

"Oh my beloved Pansage are you ready To cook up a recipie for success on the field of battle? Oh? What's that?"

You fake gasped, Pansage climbing on your shoulder. Unnoticably, you shuffled to the table next to purloin. You pretended to jump and use Pansage as a shield. Chili was rolling on the floor in laughter. Even Cress had a fre snickers. The resteraunt was holding their breath seeing what was Next in your little Comedic routine of roleplay.

"A purrloin?! Get the wretched beast away from me! Yes I, an A class conisuerr, a man absolutely terrified of a Pokémon that's you can find on route one."

You turned back and smirked at Cilan, he was a blushing mess and fuming. You placed Pansage on the ground. Herdier ran over to Pansage as they started snickering together. The resteraunt finally broke as everyone laughed. Red faces and grins as far as the eye can see.

Cilan was stomping towards you. He snapped his hands onto your shoulders. Abruptly, he pressed his lips to yours angrily. Half the resteraunt gasped, like Cress. The other half laughed even harder like Chili, if it was possible. Cilan pulled back, still fuming but with a satisfied smirk.

"How does it feel to ne humiliated now?!"

You were still processing everything, your face burning up. You just looked at Cilan with am a goofy smile. His smirk fell. He was expecting you to be mad and flustered, not grinning like an idiot.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for that."

And Cilan thought he couldn't blush any harder.

I don't care If you hated that one! I loved writing it! It was freaking hilarious! Come on, impersonating Cilan in front of everyone? HOW DO YOU NOT LAUGH!?


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