Silver x Reader

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LETS ROLL IT IN AT NUMBER FOUR!!! TophatWolfie, follow them because now I'm swamped at eight thirty in the FREAKING p.m with three more requests other than this.

She wanted the reader to be champion. How do I do that? Yeah, not happening sister. Sorry. Seriosuly, how would I even write that?! I'm awful at Silver as is, so adding a champion reader would make this downright horrible!

*snirk* Professor Nirch.


Who was this kid and why wasn't he taking no for an answer?

Long story short: this redheaded boy was forcing you to battle him one on one because he claimed he would be the strongest trainer in the world one say and he needed to beat you to get there.

So here you were in the middle of nowhere battling a random kid who has an ego quintuple the size of his brain! He sent out Feraligatr. The Pokémon roared upon summoning. You met the cold, onyx eyes of this trainer as you threw your pokeball in the air. Out popped Victribel.

"Hmph, type advantage is yours. We don't need petty type advantage."

You didn't like his attitude already. His Feraligatr nodded and readied itself. Victribel shrieked and jumped into a ready position. You just wanted to get this over with.

"Victribel, solar beam."

The trainer was taken slightly aback. He waved his arm out.

"Stop it with close combat."

You let out a tsk as the pokemon tried to approach your own. Luckily Victribel's item was a power herb, allowing solar beam to take affect instantly. Before the water type could even get close to the grass/Poison dusk type it was sent flying with the most  powerful grass type move in existance. The fact Feraligatr stood up after being hit was surprising. You rose an eyebrow. The redhead was struggling.


He snarled out his voice. You remained calm.

"How what?"

"How did Victribel use Solar beam right after being told?!"

You sighed.

"Ever heard of the power herb?"

He crossed his arms before barking a command.

"Hydro cannon!"

This boy wouldn't accept defeat was inevitable for him, would he? You pointed a finger with a dead look in your eye.

"Solar beam." 

The two moves collided in the center. The hydro cannon decided to be stubborn and slowly inch closer to Victribel. But you weren't having it. The redhead lost the co,or in his fsce as Victribel doubled his power and the solar beam ate up the Hydro cannon entirely, launching at Feraligatr. The alligator Pokémon fainted on the spot.

The trainer didn't yell, whine, or stomp about. He scoffed under his breath and had his Pokémon return.

"Even after all the training, still pathetic."

You had Victribel return and you snapped at the trainer.

"You think your Pokémon is pathetic?! You're the one who forced it to battle against a Victribel with a power herb, even after you knew this! The Pokémon clearly didn't want to fight but you made it! Trainers like you disgust me."

You turned to leave the trainer, he just scoffed at you.

"Pathetic Girl."


Nope nope nope

He did not just say that.

You rushed up to the redhead And grabbed him by the collar, twisting it. He grunted in this process, staring you down with onyx eyes. How'd He still have this confidence epwhen you could easily pumble him,

"What did you just call me?!"

He didn't hesitate to say it again.

"Pathetic girl. You think you can just say how you think my Pokémon feel? Your eyes just salty."

"Salty!? I won! I'm not the salty one! You're the one calling me pathetic out of spite!"

You threw him on the ground and scoffed. You played his own game.

"Pathetic boy. Learn to use your brain."

With that, you left him on the Ground. You never wanted to see that Trainer again.

Not really an xreader but eh. Just wanted to do this because I could. Sorry!


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