Kiawe x Reader

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The best thing about America is that you get a lot of holidays, like today. No school because Martian Luther King jr. Day. HUZZAH 

This request is for my good friend StormRaider101 who has been with me since the very beginning

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This request is for my good friend StormRaider101 who has been with me since the very beginning. And I mean the very beginning. So here's to Stormiest! Even though I can't write his character all that well... sorry.

You gazed in awe at the beautiful performance being displayed on front of you. Hold up, let's backtrack to get up to this moment, Shall we Reader?

Today was your birthday and all your friends on Akala island wamted to make today awesome! You were Mallow's little sister by a few months so of course you were on Good terms with the other trial Caltains Lana and Kiawe.

Secretly, you had a crush on the buff and stern male. You knew another side to Kiawe, just like Lana and Mallow did. They treated you like equal friends and you loved it. Mallow must have found your diary or something because she started teasing you this morning, despite it being your birthday.

Word spread to Lana by Mallow and the two girls came up with a devious scheme. They already planned festivities for your birthday. One thing from each, including Kiawe. But the two girls decided to plan something special.

The events of the day started with an Aquatic show from Lana and her totem Pokémon, wishiwashi. The wishiwashi did a wonderful dance in the water and and you all went from  swim with the Pokémon afterwards. Lana knew you loved interacting with Pokémon. Even Kiawe jumped in for a dip!

Next was a large dinner Mallow prepared ahead of time for you all. Just you Four shared the most exquisite meal you've ever had as you sat in a chair resembling a throne. Vines and flowers weaved onto the larger chair. Lana to your left, Kiawe to your right, and your big sister in front of you.

That brings us up to now. Kiawe and his Marowak preforming u dear the starlight  fireside dance with the flames flickering around them. The fire bent to Kiawe's will as the Marowak tamed the flames. Infernos lifted in the black night sky and licked the skin of Kiawe And the Pokémon. The bonfire in the center roared.

The stars must have fell and landed in your eyes because you couldn't look away. Along with the intense heat of the conflagration, your cheeks blistered with a blush. Mallow noticed this, despite the lighting situation. Lana and Mallow shared a look before scooting in towards you, the birthday girl.

"Enjoying the show, little sis?"

Mallow nudged you with her elbow and you tore your eyes away from Kiawe's abs. Wait, you were staring at his abs? That makes it worse holy tapucoco! Your reaction caused Lana to giggle. Kiawe was just focused with the Marowak. You still couldn't look away from his flames. Your eyes looked like they came straight out of the sky, they were shining so brightly.

"I think she is, Mallow."

With that your firestorm residing in your face intensified. The blood boiled beneath your skin causing a blush from head to toe. The light of the fire hid this, Of course, but your heart pending was something that could be heard.

Kiawe made a grande finale as you all clapped. Your mouth was Agape and you couldn't look away. Kiawe met your eyes and that's when you came to your senses. You shook in embarrassment, your hair flying a bit, and you closed your mouth. Mallow giggled as Lana lead her away. 

Privacy was the best gift one could give, you know.

Kiawe jumped off the stage and his two dance partners followed. The Marowak sat next to you and you pulled one into your lap. You showered it with affection, while talking to your crush.

"You all did amazing, Kiawe. Thank you!"

You flashed a grin as the Marowak, both of them, grinned. Kiawe chuckled and picked up the second Marowak, the one not in your arms, and sat down next to you carrying it in his lap. He was sitting so close. Your heart pounded.


Thump thump 

Thump thump thump 


"So you enjoyed the show?"

His deep voice. You could melt at the sound of it. Considering he was the fire type trial captain being melted and evaporating wouldn't be too hard. The two Marowak jumped out of your arms and ran off somewhere. Now you Truely were alone with Kiawe. You felt like cussing yourself out at this point.


What was that stutter?! Internally you groaned. Kiawe just chuckled again. His large, strong, warm hand took Into your own. You gasped and looked in his chocolate eyes. A blush widespread across your face. The ember flickered and the stars And moon shone on you. It was just you, Kiawe, and the moon. Hey! You two should kiss! (Get the joke and I love you)

"I'm glad. Hey, are you alright? Is the fire getting to you? Your face is pink."

OH NO HE NOTICED!!! You know those notice me Senpai moments? Well you didn't want Senpai to notice you right now! You flushed deeper crimson. He placed his free hand over your forehead, keeping his other latched tightly to your right. He huffed as he took his hand off your forehead.

"Cool as a Krookidile..." get it? Because Krookidiles are super cool, like rad. They have those glssses and... oh nevermind!

You looked down at your hand, flustered and breathing heavily. Your heart pounded in your chest. This was happening. Okay this was happening what was the procedure? Stay calm?! Was that the procedure?! STAY CALM!!! YOU HAD TO CALM THE HECK DOWN!!!

Kiawe was growing concerned. He followed your eyes to your hands. He honestly didn't know that he was doing that. Your deep gasps, your heartbeat coudl be heard even where he was. Something clicked in his brain.

"(Your name)..."

You met his eyes, still flustered beyond belief. His face was closer than it was before. You inahked and held your breath as he closed his eyes. Leanign closer and closing the distance between You two.

Off in the distance Mallow was jumping up, cheering, and squealing for her little sister. She was tempted to yell, but she controlled herself and whisper-yelled:


Lana just smiled to herself. She walked off content. Maybe she would confess to her crush, maybe not. But today was your day, not hers.

And that's it for this request! Kiawe was OOC I'm sorry and this was written poorly. I plan to getting around to my obsession character(s) after I do one more chapter. I'm going to play around with the next one.


...yet 😈

With love ❤️💙💜,


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