Chili x Reader

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Two out of three! My goal is to at LEAST get my bros done before I turn in for the night. Also if you haven't noticed by now, I update daily. At least twice daily. The more you know.

You were running into the Striaton square, being chased. Your heart pounded as you ducked and dodged people getting your chaser lost in the crowd. You started slowing fpdowm in front of the fountain. You sat down on the rim and started gasping for air.

You finally lost him. You could take a nice breather. Miniccino hopped over the heads of the crowd and landed on yours. Miniccino was your Pokémon partner for life! Had her since she was in an egg. Growing up in the daycare business was harsh.

You closed your eyes when Miniccino yelped. You slammed thst back open to see firey bloodshot eyes staring Into your soul with a smirk accompanying them.


You were startled at the sight of your pursuer you fell backwards into the fountain. Miniccino jumped off your head jumped on time and landed on Pansear, who was following his trainer. The redhead laughed seeing you soaking wet.

"Found ya!"

You huffed from inside the fountain. You moved some of your wee hair out of your eyes and glared at Chili. Chili and his brothers were friends of yours. Ever since you moved to Striaton, trying to find a way of living other than being a daycare lady, they've been your friends. Chili more than the other two triplets.

You had a devilish idea and a smirk overcame your lips. You grabbed Chili's wrist and threw him next to you in the water. What's even worse is that his mouth was wide open from laughing. You started belting out snickers when Chili resurfaced, his hair drenched and covering his whole face. He moved his hair with his hands.



"Oh you!!!"

Pansear And Miniccino watched as Chili tackled you in the fountain, putting your head underwater long enough for your hair to be super messy with the chlorine definitely washed into every strand. Chili let you back up to breathe. You heavily panted. Your face grew red with rage as you tackled Chili back down.

You threw his head back and forth into the water, careful not to bang him on the bottom of the fountain. You were getting revenge for your hair but you weren't that evil. Chili managed your grip and stabilize your wrists allowing him to pry them off and resurface, gasping for air in his lungs.

"You demon girl!"

"Guilty as charged."

You got up and began running out of the fountain, the water dragging you down. But the water would also affect Chili's speed too. Or do you thought. Chili easily caught up to you in a matter of minutes and he wrapped you in a headlock. 

"Say uncle."


"Suit yourself."

Chili gave you an ultra noogie. You squealed as his knuckles dig into your scalp. You were like the roughhousing brother Chili never had, since Cilan and Cress never did this. You gasped when you heard him spit in your hair. You squirmed out of his grip as he laughed.

You manage to stray from his grasp and sprint away from Chili and towards your apartment. Chili was hot on your tail. You lost Miniccino along the way but Shen knew her own way home. You were close to the door when you were tackled.

You look up to see Chili hovering over you. A tingly sensation formed In your chest for two reasons.

one-Chili was in that awkward dominant position.

Two-you knee what was coming next.

Chili has his hand hovering over you like a sock puppet. He was glaring evilly And playfully at you below him. You squealed and tried to push him off. Your little girl arms weren't enough to get the boy To stop. He sat up on you. His hand hovering lower and lower towards your stomach.


You squealed. Once you were caught there was no getting out of it. The tickle train was about to arrive At the station. 

"Chili Yes!"

His hand went down as he began to hostilely tickle you. His hands poked amd tickeld your sides hard. He did this every so often. You were bursted I To your tickle torture and you were squealing hard. It didn't help you had a tiny bit of

"Squeal piggy squeal!"

You let out a shriek when Cilan and Cress final,y pinpointed you two. They've been looking for you since you sprinted off from the resteraunt to make sure Chili didnt go too far again. Last time Chili went to far you couldn't get out of bed for a week.

Yeah. He dislocated your ankle. What were you thinking?! Perverts...

"Chili, that's enough."

"We don't want (your name) getting hurt again."

You and Chili looked at his siblings. Simontaniously you whined. Cress And Cilan pulled Chili off of you. Miniccino And Pansear Ra into view with Pansage And Panpour. Pansear ran into Chili's arms and you watched this. Cress noticed you watching Chili And he wriggled his eyebrows at you. Inaudibly you tell him to shut up as Miniccino rushed up to you. You hug the Pokémon, forgetting you were still damp.

You and Chili ended up sick with Pneumonia the next day. Since you had no one to take care of you, you had To go with Chili and Be sick together. Heh, best friend goals.

This was so fun to write! TICKLES FOR EVERYONE!!! Also friendzoned.


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