Seventeen says Sweet (s3)

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- You: "Oppa! Doesn't it looks like i gained weight?"
Him: "No. Never! You look like you've lost some instead"

- "How can you go home alone at night? I'll come and take you home!"

- "Call me after you're done hanging out with your friends. I'll come and take you home"


- "You might be late?No, It's okay. Take your time"

- "Babe! Shall we take a selfie together?"


- "Here! Present!
It was your birthday today!
It's our anniversary!
It's our one year anniversary!"

- "Are you feeling down today? Shall we go for a drive?"

- "Let's go on a vacation to Europe this break! I'll take care of everything since i know how to take it"


- "Shopping with you is the most exciting"

- "You are very special woman to me"


- "Really? That's you without makeup? But why are you so pretty?"

- "I don't want to look or talk to any other woman other than you, babe!"


- "The clothes look pretty on you, i'll buy it for you"

- "Don't worry. I'll solve everything"

- "Here! It caught your eyes yesterday on our date. I remembered and bought it for you"


- "What would i do meeting up with friends? I should use the time to be with you"


- "Why are you especially pretty everyday? I think i can't find another one like you"


- "All things is the boring thing if i'm without you"


- "Why did you come in such a thin clothes? Here! Wear my jacket"


- "Oh? You cut your bang? You look even more pretty"


- "The movie was really fun, right? But i think it was because i'm watching it with you"


- "Really? He think that you are ugly? So he's in the wrong then, because he didn't see the hidden beauty inside you!"

All members

              S A R A N G H A E

Hey! Wassup?
Gimana part ini? Pasti gak ngerti? (*mian*)

Sudah kuduga!

Tapi tenang aja, akan ada indonesian versionnya!

Jadi buat para readersku yang tercinta dan yang kukasihi dengan sepenuh hatiku (eeeaaaakkkk) Mohon ditunggu, ya?

Jangan lupa tinggalkan vomment kalian buat aku, ne?

세븐틴의 사랑 ❤

arniyulita a.k.a 임나라

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