Ally becomes Enemy

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The Cadmus agent sat in front at the wheel while Alex sat in the seat next to his. Maggie sat in the back of the van and stared out the window waiting for arrival.

"How far away is it again?" Alex asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"Thirty five miles outside of the city, so we are almost there." He responded while crooking his head a little toward her.

"Hey, I didn't catch your name." Maggie said leaning towards them and sat forward with her head peeking between the two seats like a little kid.

"She speaks!" Alex joked looking mat her.

"Uh, my name is Micheal."

"Well, nice to meet you Micheal." Maggie smiled. "I would shake your hand, but two hands on the wheel." She added quickly.

Micheal smiled and kept his eyes on the road. A small speck of a building slowly came into view.

"There is it."

At The DEO...

"Agent Schott, do we a location on Cadmus?" The Martian asked impatiently.

"Not yet, sir."

"What about the one warehouse that we put a flag on?"

"Well it still has been draining energy even though it was abandoned years ago by Star Labs down in Central City." Hehe little Easter egg. Winn said.

"Let's go check it out. Load up the strike team." He demanded and stomped off.

Back to Alex and them...

They came to a stop and pebbles grinder underneath the black tires. They got out and pushed their doors closed in unison.

Maggie and Alex leaned against the black shiny paint and watched as Micheal came around and leaned against the door, hiding.

"How do we get in?" Alex asked leaning toward him.

"Well, I have never been inside before. I just worked the security, but they will change shifts in three minutes give or take. That will give us about two to four minutes to get in and out without being noticed."

"And if we are noticed...?" Maggie asked trailing off her voice.

"Bye bye, any chance of your sister surviving. And us."

"That sounds terrific." Maggie mumbled sarcastically.

"Oh! They're leaving!" Alex said pulling out her gun and looking out the side of the car.

"Must be shift change. Let's go!" Maggie said and stood up with them.

They sprinted out holding the guns closed and stayed alert. Alex lead and Micheal lacked behind.

"Damnit it's locked." Alex mumbled once she tried to jerk open the door.

"Don't worry, I have the passcode." Micheal stated and squeezed between the couple. They took a step back letting him do his thing.

The door blinked green and and clicked. He gently pulled the nob down and it opened gracefully.

"Wall-a!" He said with a hand gesture.

It was well lit and it just loonies like a small room, but at the end there was a door. The only door.

"That has to be where she is!" Alex said as they all three walked in cautiously.

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