twenty four

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john sat at his desk, spining around in his chair as he waited for sherlock to call him on skype. they haven't skyped in a while because sherlock has been busy on a project, and john knows he's lying. he made sherlock promise he'd call tonight, and sherlock was going to. after what seemed like hours, the ring tone started going off and john answered quickly, smiling a his blurred boyfriend on the screen of his computer. "hey," he said to sherlock.

sherlock smiled, "hi."

"so how've you been? how's life?" john asked.

sherlock chuckled softly. "life is good. have you robbed your foster parents yet?"

"sherlock." john said in a serious tone.

"what?" sherlock asked. "i'm serious!"

john huffed out a little laugh and shook his head. "we are done talking about this."

sherlock smiled. "how's it down there? how's your dad?"

"still a fuckin' prick." john said and leaned on his elbows. "i get my cast off next week and i can finally go back to playing rugby."

"i bet you're excited about that." sherlock said, noticing the smirk appearing on john's face.

john nodded, "yep." he smiled and watched sherlock closely. "what's that on your face?" he asked, looking at what looked luke bruised skin around his eye. "why do you have a cut on your cheek?"

"i was in the lab, and i blew a beaker up. the cork hit my eye and the glass cut me." sherlock said, covering his cheek.

"sherlock. i know that's not true." john said. "you would've told me about it, or molly would've. you two seem to have become best friends."

"it's the truth." sherlock said.

john looked at him sucpicously. "are they bullying you there?"

"no." sherlock laughed. "why would they?"

john shrugged. "it's just an idea."

"well they're not."

john knew he was lying. the bruises around his eye was too big to be from a cork from a beaker. "alright. but you will tell me, right? if anything's going on?"

"you'd be the first to know. maybe the second if i tell molly first."

"i better be first, i'm your signifigent other."

sherlock laughed softly. "it's getting late."

"yeah," john agreed. "i should be getting off. they have me on a cerfew."

sherlock laughed. "what time?"

"i got them up to eleven thirty."

sherlock laughed harder. "then i better disconnect. don't want you getting in trouble."

"yeah, yeah." john sighed, annoyed. "i'll text you in the morning then?"

sherlock nodded.

"you better eat breakfast." john said.

"i'm hanging up now!" sherlock said, trying to ignore john as he reached for his mouse.

"eat breakfast!" john was able to say before sherlock hung up on him.

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