twenty eight

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[feburary twenty first]
curlyholmes: look, i know i should have told you about the bullying and i am very sorry i didn't. you're right, you do have the right to be pissed at me because i haven't been truthful to you for the past two months and we are still boyfriends if you want to be, but that's up to you. it's all up to you on how our relationship turns out.

curlyholmes: answer me, please.

curlyholmes: john.

[feburary twenty second]
curlyholmes: you're not helping any thing.

curlyholmes: this is real childish, john.

curlyholmes: answer me for christ sake!

johnnyboy: opened.

curlyholmes: fine.

[feburary twenty fifth]
curlyholmes: three days of silence, i take it this is your way of breaking up with me.

johnnyboy: opened.

curlyholmes: wow. so mature, john.

curlyholmes: you're a lot better than this, ya know?

johnnyboy has blocked; curlyholmes.

curlyholmes: okay then.

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