eighty seven

568 32 4

tuesday night?

john grinned down at his phone, plopping down on the sofa.


my place?

john's grin got wider and he bit his lip.

see you at seven;)

"johnny's got a date!" noah shouted, leaning over john, patting his chest.

john closed out of his and sherlock's texts.

"with who?" jason asked, sitting very close to john on the sofa.

john sighed, putting his phone into his pocket. "it's no one."

"is that why you were late to practice? shagging a nice gal?" jason asked, poking at john's shoulder.

john rolled his eyes, standing up. "if i'm shagging someone it's none of your business."

"shagging someone, eh?" collin asked, jumping off the last few steps of the staircase. "surprising since you're still not over that sherlock bloke."

"oh that's right!" jason exclaimed. "finally over him then?" he asked john.

john shook his head. "why does it matter?" he asked as he went into the kitchen. "when i want to tell you i'll tell you." he opened the fridge and took out a water bottle.

"well we want to know. and we get our way." noah said. he walked into the kitchen, leaning against the island counter. "boys. let's find out who johnny's talkin' to."

jason and collin stood on either side of noah, staring at john. "three against one." jason said.

"but three against the fastest on the team." john said, taking a swig of his water then setting it on the counter. "you know you can't catch me."

jason and collin started walking around either side of the island towards john as noah stayed at the end. when jason and collin dove for john, he hopped onto the counter then jumped off, dodging noah as he ran for the steps. the three chased him up stairs, but didn't catch him. john slammed his bedroom door, putting his weight on it as he locked it.

"come on johnny!" collin shouted, jiggling the door knob.

"leave me alone!" john responed, falling back onto his bed.

"you'll have to come out sometime. and we'll be waiting." noah said through the door.

"yeah, alright." john took his phone out of his pocket, checking his notifications. nothing from sherlock. he sighed and set his phone on his chest, staring up at his ceiling like he was in high school again, waiting for sherlock to respond.

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