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sherlock stood up from the chair he was, stuffing his phone into his pocket. he picked at his finger nails as he watched the doors, nervous. he saw the doorman open the door and that's when he froze. john ran into the lobby, stopping when he saw the tall, pale boy. the corner of his mouth turned into a slight smirk and his eyes softened. sherlock noticed the bags under his eyes and how he has lost a few pounds. sherlock took a hesitant step before he saw john set his bag down. they met each other in the middle, latching onto each other. john's arms could've gone around sherlock twice if he really tried, the boy was so thin john was scared he'd break him if he hugged him too tight.

"are you mad?" sherlock asked softly, scared that now that john has seen him he'd be mad.

john sighed, "a little, but not as much as before." he said and held sherlock closer, inhaling the scent of his cologne and cigarette smoke. "i'm just glad you're okay."

marie came over and cleared her throat, watching the boys separate from each other. "here's your room key." she said and handed the small envelope with a key card in it to john. "it's nice to finally see you sherlock." she said, smiling at the tall boy.

"you too mrs...?" sherlock said in a questioning tone, only knowing her first name.

"henderson," marie smiled. "sean and i are going out for dinner tonight if you and sherlock would like to join, john." she said to her foster son, watching him.

"sherlock and i have a few things to catch up on, but tomorrow night?"

marie nodded. "we'll leave money for you two to order something else then." she said. "our rooms are connected." she said then walked over to her husband.

sherlock leaned close to john. "you could get a couple thousand for that necklace." he said softly.

john shook his head and smacked sherlock in the chest with the back of his hand. "how many times have we been over this?" he asked.

sherlock grinned, "i'm just saying!" he said and watched john pick up his rugby bag, tossing it over his shoulder.

the blond boy smiled and shook his head. "come on." he said and started to make his way to the elevator.

sherlock followed behind him, standing by his side as they waited for an elevator. "her wedding ring could go for more than a couple thousand." he said.

"sherlock, shut it." john said and looked up at the boy.

"or what?" sherlock asked, raising an eye brow as he looked down at the blond.

"or i'll kiss ya," john grinned slightly, watching the boy turn red as he looked back at the elevator doors. they opened and a few people walked out before they went in, john pressing the floor button that it said on the key.

"are we still... dating?" sherlock asked softly as he watched john's reaction through the mirror on the door. "or have we offically broken up?"

john ignored the question and stepped out of the elevator, following the signs to room 284. sherlock hurried after him, walking into the hotel room, closing the door behind him. he watched john toss his rugby bag down then flop down onto one of the fairly large twin beds, sighing. "i honestly don't know." he said.

sherlock sat on the twin bed across from him, watching him. "how come?"

"it depends if you tell me the truth or not." john said the sat up, starting to untie his converse. "i need to know sherlock, i can't just assume things like you." he took off his left shoe, letting it hit the floor with a thud then switched to his right one.

"i know and i'm sorry."

"are you?" john asked and took his right shoe off, laying in the center of the bed.

"yes!" sherlock exclaimed. "i understand that you want me to tell you these things, but i'm not used to people being there for me. i'm used to people pushing me away or telling me to piss off every time i try to talk to them. you and molly are the first friends i've had in years."

"i know." john said softly and looked at sherlock.

"i just need time to adjust to this whole "friend" thing. and the "boyfriend" thing if that's still happening." sherlock said and looked into his lap, playing with the hem of his sleeve.

"c'mere." john said and patted the spot on the bed next to him, scooting over some.

sherlock toed his shoes off then laid down next to john, keeping a few inches between them. he was really unsure about the boyfriend thing because he had no idea what it was like to be in a relationship. john has had plenty. when he first became captain of the football team, the girls bowed at his feet, drooling over him. he had his run, then stopped when he started talking to sherlock.

the door opened, not the door to the corridor, the door that connected john's room with his foster parents. sean poked his head in with a smile on. "sorry, marie just wants me to open this so you don't do anything."

the boys looked at him with furrowed brows.

"not that i think that you two would do something," he laughed awkwardly. "just, leave this open." he said and pushed the door open all the way, backing into his room.

"they'll be leaving soon, so." john said and turned back to sherlock.

"that's kinda awkward." sherlock said to john, looking into the room. he saw marie poke her head in then he instanly faced john.

"we can go into the bathroom and talk if you don't want them listening in." john offered.

sherlock nodded and sat up, getting off the bed and walking to the bathroom. he sat in the tub and watched john walk in, closing the door behind him. he sat on the sink counter, looking down at sherlock. he leaned against the mirror, watching the other boy stare up at him.

"would you like to go out with me?" john asked, breaking the silence. "let's just start fresh."

sherlock's curls bobbed as he nodded. "yes, i will go out with you." he said, giving john a timid smile.

john smiled, "good." he relaxed against the wall and stared at the boy in the tub with a soft smile on his face.

"what?" sherlock asked, looking up at john. john just smiled more, causing sherlock to smile with him, laughing slightly. "why are you staring at me?"

john's smile dropped and his face went blank. "i really want to kiss you right now." he said as his mouth curled into a smirk.

"then why don't you?" sherlock asked.

john slid off the sink counter then stepped over to the tub, sitting on the ledge. he rested a hand against the opposite wall then slowly leaned into sherlock until he felt the soft lips connect with his. he tasted like nicotine, and john loved it. the boy underneath him kissed back with a smile, pulling john into the empty tub with a loud thud. sherlock laughed as john had a done look on his face. he then gabbed the boy's ankles and pulled him into his lap, causing the brunette to yelp slightly. he cupped sherlock's cheek and pulled him in for another sweet kiss, letting the kiss linger for a moment before they separated. they both smiled at each other then sherlock went back in for another, loving the taste of mint and tea on his lips.

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