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curlyholmes: what about red for prom?

johnnyboy: why red? everyone goes with red

curlyholmes: i'm going through my dad's ties to find a solid color and so far there's only a red one

johnnyboy: a buisness man like your father doesn't wear solid color ties?

curlyholmes: this man has the most cartoon ties i have ever seen

johnnyboy: good thing he owns the company

curlyholmes sent a photo.

curlyholmes: what about this one?

johnnyboy: no.

curlyholmes: aw, come on!

johnnyboy: you're not wearing a playboy tie to prom

johnnyboy: and why does your dad even have that?

curlyholmes: i think it was a gag gift

johnnyboy: stopping you there

curlyholmes: hehe

curlyholmes: what about like a shade of blue?

johnnyboy: i'll see what marie says, but we are not doing red.

curlyholmes: :)

johnnyboy: or playboy ties.

curlyholmes: :(

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