sixty six

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sherlock closed the door after himself, watching john take off his shoes and sit on the bed. "how'd you get here?" sherlock asked as he sat next to john.

"i ran." john admitted. "can i use your shower?" he asked.

sherlock nodded. "go ahead."

john got up and walked into the bathroom, turning the light on as he closed the door.

sherlock changed into his pajamas then sat on the bed, leaning against the headboard as he listened to the shower turn on.

john came out of the bathroom after about seven minutes in just his boxer briefs and went to sherlock's bag, digging around it until he found his jumper. he put it on then laid in the bed, putting his head in sherlock's lap, shoving his face into his abdomen.

sherlock let him, looking down at him as he rubbed his shoulder lightly. "you okay?" he asked softly.

john shrugged as he turned onto his back, keeping his head in sherlock's lap. "not really."

sherlock leaned down and kissed john's forehead. "do you wanna talk?"

john sighed and fixed his gaze on sherlock. he reached out for his hand and held it as he played with the long, pale fingers. "they want me to train in america this summer. and my sister called today and said that i need to claim my mom's body and plan a service for her and i can't," john sobbed. "harry won't come home and my dad refuses to talk to me and none of my relatives will speak with me and they're trying to get me to go to america and i snuck out tonight and i'm kinda drunk and i just can't do it." john sobbed, burying his face in sherlock's stomach.

sherlock held john close to him, murmuring soft words to him as he cried. sherlock's heart broke knowing that john had no family now. his mom was gone, no one knew where his sister was, and his dad disowned him. but john still had sherlock. and sean and marie and all his rugby mates. he still had family, even if it wasn't blood.

after a good ten solid minutes of sobbing, john had fallen asleep. sherlock managed to get out from underneath him without waking him up and putting a blanket over him. sherlock grabbed his phone and turned off the room light, going into the bathroom and closing the door as he called his brother.

"what now?" mycroft asked, annoyed.

"john can't claim his mother's body and his sister won't do it and i wanted to know if you in any way would help him out."

mycroft sighed. "i'll can see what i can do. anything else?"

"call the security at john's camp and talk them out of throwing him out for sneaking out. please."

"i'll get on it."

"thank you, mycroft."

"not a problem, brother." mycroft said before hanging up.

sherlock walked out of the bathroom and went to the bed, plugging his phone in before laying down next to john.

in the morning sherlock was up before john and ordered in breakfast for them, getting john french toast with extra sausage and scrambled eggs like he liked. john woke up when someone knocked on the door, jerking himself out of his sleep. he sat up and rubbed his face before looking over at sherlock who was talking with someone at the door. he leaned against the head board as sherlock walked over to him with a tray a food.

"i ordered in breakfast." sherlock said, setting the tray in john's lap, sitting on the bed next to him.

"thankyou." john said and kissed sherlock's cheek before starting to eat.

"so i called mycroft last night," sherlock stared as he watched his boyfriend scoff down his food, "he called the security and the head of your camp and told them what happened about you running out and he got your mother's body claimed and cremated. i hope that's okay."

john nodded. "that's okay." he said as he swallowed his mouthful of food. "thank you, so much." the blond said as his eyes met with sherlock's. "i love you." he said and gave sherlock a peck on the lips.

"i love you, too." sherlock smiled at him. "sean and marie are across the hall two doors down when you want to see them."

john sighed and poked at the remains of his eggs. "we talked the other weekend and marie said they discussed adopting me fully." he said and looked up at his boyfriend. "i'm over eighteen, but when they adopt me their claiming me. my father lost his rights and my mum just died so they would be my parents."

"do you want that?"

"they're great people and i love them and i wouldn't mind them being my parents."

"then go for it. it's what you want."

john nodded. "i should get back to the camp." he said and set the tray on the bedside table. "i need to get clothes and then talk with sean and marie."

"yeah, do you want me to call you a cab?"

john shook his head as he got out of the bed. "i've got to run. helps me clear my head." he said as he put on the clothes from last night. "and don't tell sean and marie i was here, please." he said as he put his vans back on.

sherlock nodded. "yeah, okay."

john went over to sherlock and kissed him. "thank you." he said with a small smile. "i appreciate all that you've done."

sherlock smiled back, "no problem."

john pecked his lips for a last time before grabbing his phone and leaving.

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