sventy one

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sherlock dug around in his satchel as he felt for his keys, dropping the books in his other arm. "shit." he muttered as he bent down to pick up his books. while he was down he dug through his bag and found his keys, standing up and turning the corner to his flat. he stopped a few steps away from his door as he saw john sitting on his front steps, staring at the ground. "what're you doing here?" sherlock asked.

john looked up then stood. "i came to see you." he said and scratched the back of his neck.

"how long have you been out here?"

"since i texted you." john stepped down from the steps. "this was a mistake and i'm sorry, i'm just gonna go back to the hotel." john said as he started to walk away.

sherlock grabbed john's elbow and sighed. "don't be an idiot." he said and pulled the blond back to the door. he unlocked the door and stepped inside, letting john walk through. he closed the door then lead john upstairs, dropping his books onto the coffee and throwing his satchel down. "tea?" sherlock asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"sure." john said as he followed. he watched the boy fill the kettle then set it harshly on the stove, turning the burner on. "are you mad?" he asked.

sherlock turned to john. "it took you three fucking weeks to text me. of course i'm fucking mad. and now you just show up at my flat and you have training don't you? so why are you here?"

"they let us off early since we couldn't meet with the team. i have two months break, and i missed you." john said, rocking back and forth.

sherlock looked down at the ground before getting startled when the kettle went off. he grabbed the kettle off the stove and set it on a different burner, going to the cupboard and grabbing two mugs. "honey still?" he asked john as he poured the mugs.

"yeah." john said then watched sherlock make his tea, putting a spoon full of honey in it then watched him add two spoon fulls of sugar in his own.

sherlock handed john his mug then went to the living room, sitting on the sofa as he set his mug down on the coffee table. "sit down. you don't have to be awkward." he said to john.

john sat in the red chair as he sipped his tea, watching sherlock open his textbook as he typed something on his laptop. when john finished his tea he got up and went into the kitchen and washed his mug, putting it back in the cupboard.

"you didn't have to do that." sherlock said from the sofa.

"i don't have to do a lot of things, but i still do 'em." john said as he turned to sherlock.

sherlock looked up from his laptop the closed it, grabbing his empty mug and walking into the kitchen. "when did you get here?"

"this morning."

"so you used the tickets then?" sherlock asked as he set his mug in the sink.

john nodded. "yeah."

"how long are you staying?"

"i rented the hotel room for three days. i didn't know how tonight would be and i didn't want to over stay my welcome."

"you won't be over staying your welcome." sherlock said then turned to john.

"what d'you you mean?" john asked.

sherlock inhaled deeply then took a lunge towards john, wrapping his arms around the blond's neck, kissing him deeply.

john kissed back eagerly, placing his hands on sherlock's back, cupping the back of his neck.

sherlock pulled john off the counter and pushed him towards his room, breaking the kiss so he could pull john's shirt over his head, tossing it behind them as he kissed john again, feeling john's hands start to unbutton his shirt.

john pushed sherlock back onto the bed, watching the boy pull his trousers off eagerly as he pulled his own jeans off. john got in between sherlock's legs, kissing him as he rolled his hips softly, getting a soft noise from the boy.

"lube." john said then started to kiss down sherlock's neck as he reached for his night stand. john left opened mouthed kisses down sherlock's chest, nipping at the boy's nipples and hearing him squeak.

"john!" he moaned, gripping his hair.

john smirked then took the lube from sherlock, popping it open then putting an amount in his hand, spreading it around his cock and some on sherlock. he spread sherlock's legs more then positioned himself, pushing into him slowly.

sherlock panted as he reached for the tissues, cleaning himself off then tossing them into the basket. john laid next to sherlock and panted, running a hand through his hair. he looked over at sherlock and sherlock got on top of john, kissing him as he rolled his hips against john's softened cock.

"again?" john asked as he pulled away.

sherlock nodded then reached for the lube. "until we're wore out." he smirked and kissed john again as he opened the bottle of lube, rubbing john until he got hard again.

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