fifty eight

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john's finger traced a line up the nude body in front of him. his finger trailed a line up the pale boy's side, stopping his waist. john's calloused hand replaced his finger and he placed a soft kiss to sherlock's shoulder. "you're beautiful." he whispered. "absolutely gorgeous." he said and placed another kiss to sherlock's neck.

sherlock laughed softly, running a hand through john's hair, messing it up even more. john's eyes met his and sherlock felt his cheeks get warm. john leaned in until their noses touched softly. "can i say something?" he asked in a whisper, his eyes flicking up to meet the grey ones in front of him.

"always." sherlock responded softly.

"i love you." john said in his normal tone of voice. he pulled his head back and was able to catch a glimpse at the face of his lover before he latched onto him.

"i love you, too." sherlock responded into john's neck.

"good. glad we're on the same page." john smiled and kissed sherlock's cheek. "now, we should continue our night." he hummed as he rolled sherlock onto his back, earning a giggle from the boy.

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