ninety four

568 25 17

party time🖇

collin: alright, fellas. we are gathered here today to go over operation; johnny getting engaged.

jason: hell yea!!!

noah: fuck yeah. finally.

reggie: we're excited for ya mate.

john: nice to see you all want this to happen. now we have until tomorrow half time.

noah: you sure he won't mind going to the field? i thought he hated rugby.

john: after engagement activities will make up for it. now, reggie text the mass chat saying everyone need to do.

collin: got it.

john: reggie, i need you to keep everyone in order and tell them what to do.

reggie: copy that.

john: noah, you're in charge of the recording, can you do that and not fuck it up?

noah: i think i can, johnny.

john: i'm trusting you, don't make me regret it. and jason, you have the most important job. you will have the ring.

jason: why won't you have it?

john: i'm on the field. you're not.

jason: got it.

john: saddle up boys. tomorrow's the night.

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