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Erens pov

Leaning over and looking up to the grandfather clock the time currently was 01:23. Convincing both my parents and the place guard that i was asleep hadn't been an easy task, surprisingly however i managed to pull it off. Silently slipping from my bed frame i pulled my comfortable black trousers back on and whilst adjusting my belt i heard Armin gently tapping on the doorframe. Grabbing my heavy fleece lined jacket i unlocked the door with a toothy grin seeing both Armin and Mikasa allowing them to enter my bed chambers. "Alright, what is our plan of action?" Mikasa asked politely as per usual as i sat onto the hard wooden floor adjusting and pulling on my heavy duty combat boots . "honestly i say we go along the same route as last week , but considering it is the princes ball we should be more careful and stick to the cobbled alleyways" I enquired looking up to the other two hoping for their approval of the plan.

Seeing the two both give a subtle nod in agreement i felt my tail began to slowly sway behind me brushing against my back. Jumping to my feet the three of us blew out any burning oil lamps before creeping down the castles cold stone hallways towards the city armory. I made my way past the forgery and reached for my sword placing it around my waist and buckling it to my belt. Armin and Mikasa both followed suit when we heard a creak on the floorboards above us, bolting from the secure stronghold and across the open fields beside the soft rippling ocean coast. The cold ocean air whipped against my skin and rushed through my tangled brown hair as  i laughed with joy feeling the freedom of the crisp night air gazing up to the stars. Once we reached the forrests boarder we slipped through the evergreen maze of trees, heading strait through the woods towards the city of Sina. Twigs snapped under out feet before we jumped out of the clearing and onto the cold stone cobbled roads.

As spring had recently passed there were several new cubs due to arrive in the autumn and seeing the weekly town market in the distance we clambered our way up to the rooftops claws at the ready. Reaching into my pocket i grabbed three masks distributing them through the group to help hide our scent from any vampires that could pose a threat to them. Letting out a quiet growl i turned to Armin calming my fury at the sight of the mass overconsumption the vampires had. After the most recent conflict between the two kingdom several traders and means of import screeched to a halt , causing the people of Sina to once again thrive whilst the others struggled through the past winter season. 

"Filthy Blood suckers thriving off the backs of my people." i huffed under my breath before taking a leap from the rooftop landing at the small stores back door, pulling a small key from around my neck crouching down and silently trying to wiggle it into the lock. After finding it on a Sina hard several years ago it had managed to help us out in many an occasion as it seemed to fit almost every lock throughout the city. Hearing a quiet click from the handle i slowly twisted the nob and let both Armin and Mikasa inside as we scrounged through their storage grabbing several yards of rich and comfortable fabric to help accommodate my peoples needs. The three of us carefully folded and filled up armies bag with the goods before hearing the market beginn to liven up and rushed back out of the small shop locking up the back door.

As i clambered back up to the rooftop i took the duffle bag from Armin to free up his hands when a low voice came from inside the building, holding our breaths instantly we stood completely still hearing talking from inside the building "i swear i thought i could smell-" the man seemed to rumble when a shrieking alarm was set off, covering our ears in pain folding them flat to our heads the three of us bolted across the led tiled rooftops through the city , my heart pounding in my chest. Changing course to get away from civilians gaze i swiftly sprung across the moat and onto the palace rooftop panting softly with worry before letting out a sigh of relife seeing both Armin and Mikasa beside me safe and the bag secure by Armins side. Digging my claws into the rooftop for stability i carefully took a peak over the edge seeing several palace guards alarmed by the siren and rushing through the town center to attend to their people.

"well we cut that close" Mikasa giggled quietly causing both Armin and i to chuckle at her light hearted joke seeing how it brightened their mood once again. Wiping the dirt from my palms i slowly stood up and lent a hand to both of them before we made our way further up the rooftop and i come to a halt " why don't we have a little fun before we return home..?" i asked my friends with a mischievous grin , grabbing a small lavender water bomb and chuckled as Mikasa smiled softly "where was Erwins room again..?" she asked as i ran across the rooftiles howling softly causing us all to burst into laughter once again letting loose.

Once they reached the furthest tower , i quickly took a peek into the princes chambers seeing him sat with his desk facing away from the window before swiftly pulling away in order to not get caught. I bit my lip snickering quietly at the sight of Armin and Mikasa trying to hold in their laughter . I carefully took my aim before tossing it at the sone wall seeing it shatter and spray the prince in an intense perfume infusion causing Erwin to jump from his seat only to once again have two bottles of perfume explode beside him against the floor and bed frame . "you damned Muts-!" the young prince yelled furiously as the three of us lept from the castle walls laughing the sight of the Vampire drenched from head to toe. "Guards !" He roared sticking his head from the tower window and watched as we rushed to reach the forrests border as i pulled my mask off panting softly for air.

Hearing all the ruckus prince Levi peered from his window only to be hit with the drifting scent of peppermint and fresh orange citrus. The intoxicating smell knocked him back for a moment when his eyes widened catching a glimpse of 3 young wolves running across their cobbled streets he let out a low groan . I couldn't help but taunt Erwin, my pride getting the better of me "at least now you smell better!" i called from across the town center causing Armin to snicker when the three us shifted into our wolf form, falling down onto our paws dashing into the trees to escape the palace guards.

The woods were one of our greatest protections, as the guards didn't have the courage to even attempt to navigate the twisted fern trees that grew there and traveled as far as the eye could see. After seeing the vampires lost our trail we broke out of the other side of the forrest, slowly detransfoming to the sight of the sun rising over the oceans crashing waves. Stumbling the three of us sank down into the warm sandy beach panting heavily as we once again broke out into fits of laughter." my god- did you .. did you see his face?!" i cackled as Armin wiped a tear of joy from his cheek trying to catch his breath " well that was a sight for sore eyes" Mikasa remarked to my amusement and we both watched in curiosity as Armin rose to his feet " take a guess, who am i-GUARDS!!" he called through laughter watching as i keeled over loosing my breath through chuckles. After a moment we all managed to compose ourselves once again , relating against the warm coast line , digging our feet into the soft sand " let's hope coach Pixis isn't to hard on us today .." Mikasa said softly with her eyes fluttering closed in the golden sunlight causing me to smile " we shall have to wait and see.."

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