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Levis pov

After Erens departure I decided to spend my day productively working through the next few days of upcoming paperwork and hoping it kept me distracted from the loneliness I felt without him by my side. After several hours I realised that it wasn't helping whatsoever but on a more positive note I had managed to complete over three stacks worth of letters and documentations. I was filled with the utmost excitement at the thought of seeing Eren again tomorrow evening, checking my clock realising I should most likely get down to sleep. Forcing myself to get some rest during the night was going to be an odd experience. I cannot imagine functioning during the day... such strange creatures.

Sliding my silk shirt down my back and laying it over the back of my armchair I folded my trousers neatly and led down into my fresh bedsheets. Pulling Eren's shirt in close I held his pillow close to me and took in his scent calmingly. After relaxing and the perfect silence I fell asleep quickly helping the time to tick by.

Erens pov

I woke up huffing softly with grotty eyes and a craggy throat. I slowly rolled out of my warm bedsheets and made my way to my bathchambers, through a peaked archway. I flicked on the light switch catching a glimpse of myself in the golden framed mirror. I was not a morning person, evident by the fact that I looked as though I had been dragged through a hedge. I grabbed my comb, brushing through my tangled hair and cleaned my glistening white teeth thoroughly. I stepped into the shower quickly rinsing my body down under the warm running water, wiping any dried-up blood stains and grime off of my skin.

Once stepping out of the shower I examined my injuries in the mirror, relieved to find the were healing incredibly well and didn't seem to scar as much as I had feared. I ran my fingers against Levi's puncture wounds feeling my stomach flutter, flushed with joy at the thought of him feeling an odd sense of pride. My hands rested against my collar smiling softly. I draped a warm towel loosely around my waist, water dripping from my hair. I shook my hair around like an excited pup, straining as much water from it with my towel as possible.

When I felt mostly dried down, I slid Levi's hoodie back over my head comfortably pulling it over my chest relaxing against it. I grabbed a pair of black shorts from the chair close by the doorway adjusting my belt slowly. Seen as I would spend my day cuddled into Levi's chest I didn't really see the need to dress formally. I finished up in the bathroom deciding to join Armin and Mikasa in the courtyard yawning quietly. "Good morning there sleepy head" Mikasa smiled petting my head softly taking a seat on the bench beside us. "Good morning you two, what have you got planned today?" I asked before they swiftly diverted the question.

"When will prince Levi be coming??" Armin asked eagerly taking a seat beside me on the rusty bench. "He should be here just before noon" I said beaming with excitement "that's ridiculously early for him" I chuckled quietly. "So would someone please explain what exactly these bonding hormones are?" I asked as Mikasa took a seat in front of me slowly. "Be my guest Armin, you've always been good at explaining these things" Mikasa teased as Armin once again became flustered "oh alright fine, you are so unfair" He pouts childishly before turning to face me properly.

"Alright so, um basically. When you find your mate your body produces far more pheromones, and even tho I am not your mate for example I can pick up on a light citrus scent. For us it is incredibly faint however for your mate it will be rather intense. These are known as bonding hormones. They are in place to... um well to encourage the mating between couples. Once you have bonded your scent vanishes for other animals and is only noticeable to your partner. These hormones of course cause an even stronger sense of longing which will be why it is so difficult for you to be away from Levi! Well i meen naturally when you are separated from your mate you always feel lonely or sad even, but not to the extent as in the first few months after finding one another"

"Oh I see-! Well, isn't it a good job I was informed on this before I found my mate" I remarked sarcastically causing the others to chuckle in agreement. "That would also explain why I have such an aching feeling clawing at my chest since leaving his side" I replied a little shocked at how they affected my every emotion. "There is no need to worry, it is something every couple has to go through. But my gods am I excited to meet him" Armin exclaimed excitedly as Mikasa laughed with joy nodding her head "As am I! Getting to know him on a more personal level" she admitted causing my smile to widen before soft pants could be heard coming from behind us. "Look who has returned my mischievous little pups!" Grisha exclaimed opening his arms widely for me as I jumped from my seat. "Father!" I laughed wrapping my arms around him tightly, Armin and Mikasa running to greet him.

"Eren! You have found your mate! I am so proud of you darling, and I'm getting to meet him tomorrow, correct?" He asked holding me in close as my tail wagged viciously behind me "yes you do!". I chuckled as my father began chasing the three of us across the flower filled meadow playfully just like when we were little.

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