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Erens Pov

I heard the faint music dancing through the empty corridors as it became quieter with every step Levi made. I held onto my mates soft chest tightly as we reached the end of the long hallway. He carefully carried my trembling body up a winding staircase, reaching a tall wooden door he gently pushed it open with his boot causing it to swing open .As I peered up from Levis chest I admired the room, a grand four-poster bed, a hand carved oak desk and matching wardrobe, draws stuffed with what I can only imagine to be his business papers, a large ornate window overlooking the palace grounds and the city with an attached bath chambers . Walking inside he gently set me down on the red silk bed covers "may I see?" He asked politely as I felt his delicate touch against my shirt fastenings. I gave a soft nod allowing him to unbutton my clothing, revealing the deep claw marks gashing across my chest.

I heard him let out a heavy growl at the sight of my blood, his eyes burning brightly. He slowly began to run his fingers down my chest when he stopped rather abruptly his eyes widening "he-he bit you-?!" he asked seething with anger. "h-he well- yes, he bit me i- he didn't drink any of my blood i-i believe he simply wanted to harm me..." I admitted when I noticed his eyes glossing with tears, bursting with a vibrant shade of crimson. I tenderly caressed his cold cheek placing a kiss against his forehead "please don't cry, I'm alright truly, what is the matter my love...?" I asked concerned seeing such conflict in his eyes. "It is nothing..." he muttered continuing to examine my open wounds. I ever so gently placed my hand against the prince's shoulder gazing into his eyes "you can tell me anything, Levi..." I ensued once my nerves had finally calmed down. He looked at me rather shocked before taking a deep breath meeting my eyes" do you understand how it works for vampires when having a mate?" he asked his tone slightly unsteady "oh well- I assumed it must be the same as with my kind...is it not?"

"of course it is my love but... how should I put this" he sighed quietly before leaning in closer to me once again "your blood, the blood of a mate, it is priceless. I have never smelt anything so rich and intoxicating, it is made for me, to fill me every need and quench evey thirst I may have- I want it oh so badly..." He admitted to me before moving his gaze away from me seemingly ashamed "o-oh-..." I answered rather fumbled and in a slight state of shock "I'm so sorry I didn't know" I apologised as he muttered quietly "I could never do that to you after what you just experienced" he smiled up to me weakly, trying to keep himself under control.

I sat up slightly causing his hands to snap away from my chest in surprise "would you like some of my blood?" I asked with a gentle smile, seeing how hard it was for him to fight against his instincts to feed from me. How could I ever let my mate suffer through that?? His eyes widened as he instantly took a few steps back before clasping his hand over his mouth gulping heavily "I-I I can't - ... please don't tempt me"- he begged quietly his hand softly trembling closing his eyes tightly trying to restrain himself. I carefully rose to my feet stepping up closer towards him as I placed my hand on his chest feeling his heart beating rapidly "please feed from me Levi"

"E-Eren please, I don't want to- I'm ok truly. This will be your first time having someone feed from you and I can't put you through that whilst you are in pain, I'm far too rough" he protested trying to discourage me. I gently removed his hand from his mouth revealing his fully extended fangs and unsteady breathing "you are starving Levi- I want you to feed from me." I demanded firmly.

Within a split-second Levi pounced onto me pinning me to the bed roughly as I watched him panting needily on top of me and he took in the scent of my blood hungrily. "So sweet..." he grumbled before sinking his fangs deep inside of my neck, feeling tears prick my eye as my body as I gripped onto him tightly trying to ignore the pain racing my body. "s-shit..." I muttered panting quietly as I pulled my mate in closer wrapping my arms around him lovingly.

He must have noticed my discomfort as he snatched me up off the hard floor, gulping down my blood by the gallon whilst setting me down on the edge of his bed. I carefully tangled my hands into his hair holding him lovingly before letting out a sharp gasp feeling him gripping at my back hungrily leaving a few faint scratches. A sudden rush of sharp pain ran through my body before I felt a loving sense of pleasure groaning with joy.

As he slowly pulled away, I watched him lick my blood from his lips before licking against my neck smiling through his unsteady breathing "you are mine now, Eren" he claimed with excitement smiling. He placed tender kisses on the small wound me had left behind causing me to shiver slightly "it's so sweet..." he muttered helping to heal the pierced skin causing me to relax into his arms warmly.

He slowly untied his cloak letting it drop to the floor as he buried his head into the crook of my neck nuzzling my shoulder softly, pulling me down onto the bed in a warm embrace " I truly love you, Eren..." he cooed towards me kissing the tip of my nose sweetly causing my cheeks to flush a deep shade of red , my heart melting at his loving words " I love you to .. Levi" I replied filled with joy as both of us slowly drifted into a peaceful slumber in one another's arms.

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