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Erens pov

I sat quietly in Levi's lap watching as he signed off several delivery documents and official paperwork when large eruptions of cheers and commotion began to build in the town centre. Levi set his quill aside gazing out of his grand balcony window a smile spearing on his face. "What is it?" I asked peering up to my mate as he looked back over to face me "my parents have returned home from their journey abroad" he expressed with joy. I felt the blood rush from my cheeks as I turned paler than our bedsheets "y-your...your parents?" I felt his hand caressing my waist as he chuckled quietly "oh darling there is no need to worry, they will love you I am sure of it" He reassured me when I heard the heavy wooden drawbridge pulled to a close, footsteps echoing through the empty hallways below us.

"CHILDREN WE ARE HOME!!" A male voice bellowed with excitement throughout the castle as I heard Hanji's loud giggle followed by rushing footsteps making their way downstairs. "Well, let us go and greet them" he said calmly taking my hand when I flinched "w-wait-! Shouldn't you inform them of my being here first?" I asked wracked with nerves seeing his soothing gaze "puppy they will already know they will be able to catch your scent from all the way up here" he explained slowly "I will greet them and then I will come to bring you to them alright?" I smiled relaxing at his suggestion as I nod happily "ok love"

Levis pov

I kissed Eren's forehead gently as I sat him against out bed before making my way out of my chambers, rushing down the hallway. My heart filled with joy excited tom see my parents once again after several months. As soon as my mother caught sight of me, she rushed to my side pulling me into a tight, longing embrace. I instantly let out a sigh of relief and greeted my father lovingly." What is that intense dog scent lingering around the castle?" My father asked setting their heavy hand luggage down against the floor. I opened my mouth to explain the relationship between myself and Eren when I heard my mother gasp loudly "oh my! your mate!" she exclaimed causing my fathers eyes to widen. "Where is he Levi I want to see him?" My mother asked impatiently "He is waiting in my chambers-" I begin to explain when my father grinned happily "well bring the young fellow down! I want to meet him!" he exclaimed with excitement

I was taken aback by how well they were taking the news. My father had never been one to classify or judge someone for their race so I suppose I really shouldn't be so shocked, although I could feel the tension building in the room as both of my parents had never been in close contact with a wolf before par from the war. I swiftly made my way back up the corridor, Erens sweet peppermint scent filling my lungs as I opened the door to see Eren pacing back and forth across the bedchamber floor. "They would like to meet you love" I called to him watching as he looked over to the doorway gripping his tail in his hands hevily jittering with nerves.

"Levi-What if they don't like me?! I mean- I'm a Wolf! A sword enemy to your kind! Good god your father will kill me on sight, I've seen that man in battle he's ruthless! O-Oh god I'm going to die!" He screamed as he began hyperventilating sinking to the ground slowly. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself before making my way over to him lifting him back to his feet and wrapping my arms around his slender waist "Eren, take a few nice deep breaths for me. They are so excited to finally meet you there is no need to worry, you are safe with me" I reassured him stroking his cheek delicately, watching as he visibly calm down taking my hand "alright" he replied placing a soft kiss against my lips. He gripped onto my arm a little tighter than usual as we both made our way back towards the dining hall.

Erens pov

I could feel my blood coursing thorough my veins at a rapid rate. Truth be told I don't believe I have ever been so scared in my life, but there is no way I can show weakness in front of them. I put on my usual fearless demeanour trying to pull myself together. Opening the grand doors there were two adults inside of the dining room along side Erwin and Hanji. A tall woman with elegantly long black hair and pale skin, the male incredibly tall and muscular standing beside her protectively his grey bread immediately standing out. Once we both stepped closer the beautiful woman's eyes glistened with joy causing me to smile softly.

My grip on Levi's biceps tightened when she made her way closer "why hello there! I am Levi's mother it's so lovely to finally meet you. Oh my goodness you are gorgeous! And you smell absolutely divine ~! Isn't he just wonderful Great ?!" she exclaimed as the taller male took her hand gently "Kuchel darling the boy looks frightened half to death meeting us, give him some air" he chuckled sweetly. Not fully understanding what he meant by frightened I looked at my surroundings realising I had completely hidden myself behind Levi , my eyes glossy with tears and my tail tucked between my legs slightly. I looked away from the two deeply embarrassed as I tried to compose myself brushing off my garments gently.

"Oh my goodness- hunny I am so sorry I didn't mean to scare you" she apologised in a much calmer and more gentle tone, showing her loving smile but I couldn't help letting out a quiet whimper in response to the overwhelming situation. Levi instantly turned to face me, pulling me into his chest protectively his hand caressing my lower back soothingly. "Eren my dear are you alright? I know this is quite overwhelming, you don't have to put on your big bad wolf front around us, we are family now" he whispered into my ear knowing exactly how to calm me back down bringing me into the current situation. "I am right here puppy" he cooed tenderly as I wiped my face gently before giving off a gentle smile "I'm just not use to being treated so kindly by vampires, this is all rather new to me" I admitted relaxing against him as the two of us laughed quietly to one another.

"Honestly, what am I going to do with you?" He taunted playfully taking my hand bringing me back to his side "So mother, this is Eren. Eren, this is my mother Kuchel, The Queen of Sina" he introduced us formally gesturing to his mother. "It's an honour to meet you mam" I greeted politely watching her smile once again "The pleasure is all mine sweet one, may I have a hug from you?" She asked kindly." Mama "Levi intruded clutching me up close protectively as I caressed his hand gently "N-no love it's alright, I would love to" I replied sweetly as the woman practically tackled me to the ground smothering me in her motherly love.

"Sorry, sorry" She apologised quickly once again releasing me and backing off slightly for my comfort. Levi chuckled quietly before gesturing up to the tall man in front of us "Alright, Eren this is my Father Gerat, King of the 3 Kingdoms. Father this is my mate, prince Eren Jäger" he introduced us once again as his father extended his hand politely which I took out of gratitude for his kindness "I'm glad to finally meet you sir". We released one another's hands as his father gazed down to me fondly "It is wonderful to meet you, Eren" he replied before clapping his hands together "well, it is present time!" he exclaimed as his mother gasped loudly with joy pulling a large sack into the room as my eyes widened. Well, my goodness.

(Sry for the slight clifthanger, and for not being very consistent! thanks for reading hope you are enjoying the story so far ! :)

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