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Levis pov

I let out a sigh of relief once we left the dining hall, the eyes of everyone in the room finally shifting focus. They all seemed utterly petrified, but I suppose they do have more reason to be fearful of vampires since the last war. In all honesty I was just as afraid. It was terrifying to be surrounded by creatures who you thought to be your enemy your whole life and have been hunting for centuries. Eren kept his temper well in control considering how possessive I've seen him be , he definitely isn't afraid of confrontation that's certain. Now I truly know how he felt whilst being surrounded by vampires in their home, truly remarkable how brave my mate was. As we made our way down the cobbled walkway I could feel the guards eyes following our every step.

I saw Eren's smile from the corner of my eye, causing me to relax further as we both left the castle courtyard before he turned to me curiously. "Is something wrong Levi?" He asked slowing down to match my pace as I snapped out of my inner thoughts, diverting my attention to Eren. "Not at all, I'm just taking everything in" I said caressing my mate's hand whilst intertwining our fingers. The two of us began to stroll along the coastline, listening to the waves crashing upon the beach.

To our left when we made our way out of the castle was a large training field that was cut off by the dense forest. It must have been at least 2 kilometres in width from the bay bank and the forest edge curved round to the shoreline on our right. Where the grass lipped over, sheets of golden sands lined the coast and blue waved crashing against the seashore. It took us around 25 minutes of walking before we reached the entrance to the forest. Eren took a look around for a moment before leading me through the edge of the woods to a small clearing that joined up with the beach. "Where are we Eren?" I asked gazing around taking in our surroundings. "This is where Mikasa, Armin and I spend time together. It's right next to the beach and is completely out of sight. It's just a place we can really relax, we don't have beading eyes on us" he chuckled quietly leading me onto the banking and sitting down watching the water crash against the warm sand.

"Levi, you can feed if you like?" He offered and truth be told I was ravenous. I nodded slowly before leaning in and gently pulling his crisp collar away from his tanned skin, baring my teeth and feeding from his sweet blood. I groaned quietly at the sweet relief from hunger and held onto him pushing my fangs deeper into his skin. As his blood ran down my throat I drifted into a sweet sense of bliss as my mate held me protectively whilst I fed. Slowly pulling back, I licked over the open wound panting quietly only to hear my mate's chuckle. He smiled running his fingers through my hair, softly placing a kiss against my forehead.

"Was that enough my love?" he whispered quietly against my ear as I nod with a smile of joy. He stood up beginning to unbutton his trousers dropping them to the ground, tossing his shoes aside into the long grass. "I'll race you to the water~" He chuckled mischievously as I smiled seeing him so happy and quickly began to pull my shirt off. Laughing I watched him pull his shirt over his head before bolting towards the crystal-clear water. "You got a head start!" I called playfully, pushing off my shoes and trousers leaving them in a pile in the meadow rushing after him. Jumping into the cool ocean water my whole body shivered before relaxing in the rippling current watching Eren reappear beside me catching his breath. I gave a charming smile before splashing salt water against his face "cheater". Letting out a ridiculously overdramatic gasp of shock he tackled me under the water before I pulled the pare of us in deeper before pushing back up off the ocean floor. I pulled him into a loving embrace and we both smiled, laughing in unison. As he placed his hand in my dripping hair and I caressed his cheek and took a deep sigh of joy. "You know...I love you more than life it's self" I muttered our lips so close they touched ever so slightly. "Levi ...." He muttered with a smile, his eyes glossed with tears, and I kissed him sweetly under the soft light shining from the now setting sun.

After a few moments the sun had set over the glistening waterfront and we separated momentarily for air, enjoying each others warm embrace. I became rather concerned he might become cold from the lack of sunlight. I took his hand in mine and lead him out of the water where we dried off as much as we could before pulling our cloths back on and laying down on the soft green grass under the trees in the clearing. There were no clouds on this warm summer evening and many stars began to shine against the black night sky. We began to point out several recognisable constellations until Eren began to show signs of weariness, so we sat up and started trekking back towards the castle. From the edge of the forest we could see the torches lit along the side of the courtyard walls and walked bare feet through the dry grass.

Once reaching the large doors Eren was practically asleep upright against me as I held him up by his slender waist. I smiled softly and picked him up resting his head against my chest and walked through the courtyard quietly not wanting to wake any of his family members. I found the doorway to his tower room and carefully walked up the stairs to his chambers laying him onto his soft feather bed. He seemed to have a rather tight grip on my arm not wanting to let go, causing me to chuckle, petting his head lovingly as I sank down beside him as we both drifted into a deep slumber.

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