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Levis pov

 I took Erens hand in mine and placed a soft kiss on the back of his knuckles . I smiled softly as his cheeks went a soft shade of pink and he looked down into his lap acing like the cute flustered little puppy he was . It often shocked me when I think that this beautiful sweet boy would kill in an instant for me , and I hope he knows I would do exactly the same for him. I continued to gaze at his beautiful face for a while until I was reminded by Hanji that we were at a feast with around 100 other blood-drinking demons and Kenny was wathing my every move.I looked upand across the table to see my uncle with a rather develish gleem in his eyes. I simply glared at him with my pearcing silver eyes and he looked slightly shocked by my rebellious actions towards him . I chuckled softly and looked over to Eren who was softly pressed up against my side and he smiled softly " you look so sweet when you smile " he said softly and his free hand touched my cheek gently caressing it . I smiled and kissed the palm of his hand lovingly as his precious face lit up with joy .

I placed my hand ontop of his and kissed it again smiling as I placed gentle kisses on his head just beside his ears . I heard a quiet squeek from him and I let out a soft laugh . I ignored the strange glares from the other council members  and simply slid my hand around Erens waist looking at the food along the table . It never failed to confuse me as we never ate it and it must all go to the trash . I stood up and reached over grabing a nice piece steak for eren to chew on as we discussed boring millitary plans . I set it down on his plate and watched as he nibbles on it and looked over to the head of the table listening in on the proposals made by others .

Erens pov

I felt safe and secure in Levis arms. Of corse I could defend myself just fine , but just simply knowing he is there beside me is the most wonderful feeling . I leaned into his touch as I slowly ate the piece of steak from my plate .I kept looking up to see what Kenny was doing and I gulped softly seeing his eyes on me . Levi must have noticed as his grip became tighter . "Is there an issue ? " he asked , deffinetly a hint of anger in his voice . His eyes were fixed on kenny and the man chuckled looking over at Levi "I beg your pardon ?" he replied and Levi snapped at him slightly "watch it you tram-" I quickly cut him off gently elbowing his side before he got himself into trouble.

Kenny chuckled softly and Elizabeth stood up her eyes glowing softly "you have some nerve , talking to your royalty that way young man " she sais coldly and Levi made an audible "tsk" noise "I shall speak to him however I please " he sais bluntly and i nudged himslightly "baby I think its better if we stay quiet " I whispered softly and riped his hand. he instantly went silent and kissed my cheek gently "sorry pup" he apologised smiling softly. both kenny and elizabeth were in shock at the way Levi seemed totreat me and they desided to go back to their original topic , but something felt ..off .

Elizabeth seemed to be watching me and it was extremely off putting . I led my hand in my lap and ate my beef chop whilst listening to the very boring conversations about the military's position and rather soon it struck midnight . The council slowly widdled down until there was only Kenny , Elizabeth and another noble at the table . I looked up at Levi as my head rested softly against his shoulder. I had been awake since 7 am and my natural instinct to sleep at night began to take over . Levi must have noticed my tired deminer when he took my hand and gently made me stand up "let's go to my chambers , ok baby?" he sais softly and i nodded in response .

As we walked away from the table I could feel Kennys eyes burning holes into the back of my head but I was so tired I couldn't proses it in my mind. I felt Levis hand gently placed on hy hip as he walks me up the stairs and to his room . I removed my formal cloths and led down slowly on the bed , Levi sitting beside me and pulling me into his arms . I led my head against his cold chest and yawned softly my ears twitching  and i drifted to sleep beside him .

Levis pov

I watched as Erens eyes fluttered shut , his head against my upper chest as he fell into a peacful slumber . I knew I would need to wake him later but for now it is good that he can get some rest. I brushed the hairs away from his face and placed a gentle kiss against his temples. Street lights and carage lights danced around the room , shining in through a large window beside the bedpost . I made sure they wouldn't disturb my omegas slumber holding him slightly closer to my chest and allowing me to wrap my arms around his waste gently.I snuggled down into my covers to rest my eyes before later needing to rise once again in order to make some important decisions for the council .


Downstairs in Kennys quarters he was sat with his mistress in his lap as they discussed with other council members what to do with the young prince Levis omega . There were many different suggestions as to what they wished to happen but Kenny simply denied them all , he had something much more catastrophic in mind .

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