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Erens pov

I woke up to a small beam of sunlight shining through the window In the wall . I yawned softly , my white canine teeth showing and scratched my ears gently . They flickered softly hearing a commotion outside and I cracked open my window peering out . My eyes widened seeing my lover stood at the entry gate . I pulled some shoes on and it didn't bother me that I was still in my pajamas as i dashed down the stone steps and along the corridor to the courtyard and through to the wall . I saw Levis piercing grey eyes light up with joy as he saw me and pushed past the guards running towards me . I smiled running to him and pulled him into a loving embrace . I felt alot of tension in his body as I looked to his face "Levi ? Is everything alright?"

He shook his head softly and I took his hand leading him inside. His face was very pale , well paler than usual , and I was very concerned about him . I sat him down on a chair and held his hand sitting beside him . He placed a kiss on my hand making me smile "my uncle ..hes back" he spoke softly and it took a moment before I realised and my eyes widened in fear "k-kenny?" I tried to stay calm for Levis sake but my heart was pounding. I knew Levi could feel it as he held me closer and placed gentle kisses on my head . I leaned into his warmth as he told me all kenny had said .

Kenny . Or as he was mostly known , 'meutrier' by other vampires . One of the deadliest men to walk this planet . Over 10 years ago , when i was but a child , Kenny led an army which wiped out a third of the wolves in our valley. In return , the wolves slaughtered almost half the vampire population . This war was long and bloody and then one day , he vanished.disapiered without a trace . No one knew where he had gone , wether he was alive , all they knew was he wasn't there anymore . He had not only killed , but brutally tortured both wolves and vampires who conspired against him . Eren had wanted nothing more , but to see the man perish . Sadly he heard...kenny hadn't come back alone .

Madam Elizabeth of the south . A pure blood who has sworn to wipe out the wolf race , and she was even worse .. She kills anoyone she wishes and feeds off of them , she murders whole villages as entertainment and would happily watch people suffer ... She killed my grandfather before i was born after he had been hunting . I hate her.with every single ounce of my being .and now that she Is here , I would not miss my chance .

"Eren , you have to tell your people " Levi said . As much as he hated wolves , I knew he loved me and that was enough . I took him to the forrest and gave him a loving kiss before he headed back to his castel and i returned to mine calling a meeting of the councle and the nobility . I returned to my chambers and dressed  appropriately before walking down to the great hall and was greeted by many of the councle . I took my place at the head of the table . Roughly 30 minutes had passed and I had explained our situation , the council began to bicker and argue about the best sollution when a letter from the vampire nobility arrived . It was handed to me and as I opened It my face went pail and I read it alloud .

"Prince Eren , I have heard from many of my kind that my adorable nephew has found his mate and I would very much like to meet him . I invite you to join me , my wife , your mate and the rest of our nobility tomorrow evening and we shall discuss many matters . If you should not attend Im afraid there would be sevier consiquenses from myself and my mistress  .                                              Signed , kenny Ackerman"

The room went silent and my soft gulp was audiable as it echoed through the hall "it apears I have another meeting tomorrow evening gentlemen ."

(Hello everyone !and for some of you , happy new year! Im awear i havent posted in a while and i apologise but i was having some writes block and also some school drama and jadajadaja but thankfully that is all over now and im verry happy to be writing again .

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