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Erens pov

The Vampire royals appeared to be nothing like the stories I had been told growing up or what I was taught to believe from our battel historians. The hopes for a democracy were not looking too bad at all. Well, that may be a long stretch, but I would do anything to protect my people and make peace with my mates Race after all of our conflict. Kuchel began handing out neatly wrapped parcels to everyone when she handed a small box to Levi. The small parcel was wrapped in navy blue parchment with a tag dangling from it which he read to himself quietly before smiling. "What is it?" I asked curiously, leaning over towards him as he slipped it into his pocket placing a kiss on my cheek. "I will tell you later" he cooed as I gazed at him with confusion before allowing it to slide trusting him unconditionally.

"Mother I am going to return to my study with Eren, also I would like to make a certain member of this family apologyse later for an 'incident' that occurred during my Ball last night" Levi explained as I could hear Erwin gulp from across the dining hall, the consequences of his actions finally taking place. He bowed politely taking my hand as I waved sweetly before being led back towards Levi's Bedroom hearing their voices fade into the distance

"What is in the box?" I asked Levi again my ears folding down with curiosity. He sat by his desk gently pulling me to his side before placing the box in my hands. My ears twitched gently as I peered up to him "its ... for me?" I asked excitedly as he gave a simple nod before I opened up the package happily. Inside was a sweet baby blue collar. "Do you like it? I have been doing a lot of research since finding out you were my mate and I found that it is tradition for a wolf's mate to buy them a collar as a symbol of their affection, so I thought-" before he could finish his sentence, I leaped onto him happily my tail swaying back and forth with excitement "I love it!"

"May I put it on you?" he asked happily to which I gladly agreed giving a small bark of approval. He places the soft woven collar around my neck clasping it together as I jumped around his chambers filled with joy. He chuckled admiring me quietly from his seat as I leaned in kissing his lips slowly. "Thank you so much" I purred to him as he took my hand in his "you are most welcome puppy"

I felt soft kisses training down my neck as I smiled gazing down to me partner "are you hungry?". Levi gave a small nod nuzzling against the crook of my neck inhaling my scent only causing himself more hunger as I slipped my blouse off of my shoulder to allow him easier access. "Try not to make a mess darling" I whispered to him affectionately, feeling him ever so gently pierce my skin with his fangs drinking from me carefully. I felt blood seeping from my neck, but I was getting rather used to the sensation, slipping my hand up tangling it into his delicate black hair. "L-Levi could you slow down just a little?" I asked beginning to feel quite faint by the sudden blood loss. He instantly slowed his drinking pace allowing me to once again relax holding him up close protectively. "Your hair is soft" I whispered quietly when he pulled back from my bleeding wound smiling "you are so cute..." he chuckled licking over his lips.

Levis pov

His blood was delectable, so sweet, and smooth gliding down my throat. The delicate peppermint and citrus notes melting on my pallet like that of his scent which enticed me further. I drew his blood delicately holding my mate in close protectively, making sure not to sink my fangs too deep within his neck avoiding unnecessary discomfort for him. I felt his hands slip up the back of my neck, his fingers intertwining with my hair and I retracted my fangs pulling back to clean off my mouth. He is just so sweet. I placed a soft kiss against the opening wiping any blood away to help him heal.

His voluminous tail swayed from side to side and I slipped my hands up petting his fuzzy ears watching as he happily leaned up into my touch. "Do you like pets?" I asked watching him nod giving a small yap in response. I rubbed his ears between my forefinger and thumb watching his cheeks turned a dusty rose shade leaning futher against my hands relaxing slowly. I continued to pet him with care until he shook his head causing me to pull back and smiled. "Levi you wouldn't have anything I could change into would you? Say perhaps a hoodie or anything more comfortable. These cloths are rather itchy" he explained as I adored his sweet voice .

"I do have a new hoodie, decorated with the wings of freedom. Will that suffice?" I asked getting down from his knee causing him to light up with joy "the wings from the legends? Oh that sounds amazing" he hummed as I chuckled quietly "I shall take that as a yes'" he enquired taking the soft overlay from his wardrobe handing it over to Eren "just don't let my parents know it belongs to me, my father will try to steal it for himself" I smiled slowly unbuttoning his shirt. Once I reached the fourth button fastening, I placed my hand on his and slide one just slightly under his shirt to where his chest had large wounds listening to him wince slightly. "Can I please take a look?" I ask gazing up into his eyes. He nods gently and I slip the shirt from his shoulder revealing his marked skin, marks that weren't left by me ... unforgiveable. Disgraceful. Infuriating. I ran my fingers down his chest and stomach, inspecting aevery wound and scar, sighing with relief as they seem to be healing quite well. Just as I parted my lips to say something there was a knock at the door.

Erens pov

There was a gentle knock at the door followed by Hanjis intrigued voice "Levi, there's a miss Mikasa in the foyer. She insisted it is time for Eren to return back to his kingdom. The mutt stinks please deal with it" she demanded from him my eyes widening at her sudden mood change. I suppose it is true, the vampires couldn't stand us and neither could we, yet another major reason the war had continued for so long. I wonder why they are so fond of me...? Vampires are awfully strange

"Keep the woman company for a moment I will be down in a short while" he called to her from behind the doorway listening to her groan before storming down the corridor. They truly hate my kind...But I'm not too fond of them either. Apart from my Levi of course! Hanji is alright I suppose. He led his forehead against my shoulder causing my to sigh quietly."I don't want you to leave" he protested sadly as he took in my scent once again soothingly. "I don't wish to leave either ..." I admitted leaning up against him.

"What if you would stay with us tomorrow?" I suggested filled with joy as the idea sprung to mind peeking up to him hopefully seeing him nod in response. I pulled on the hoodie cautiously as he took my hand and lead me back downstairs. Mikasa was waiting in the foye patiently, managing to keep her temper under control. Seeing us getting closer she stood to her feet swiftly "Ready to go Eren?" Mikasa enquired causing me to whine softly, my ears and tail both sinking with disappointment "no..." I admitted feeling Levi's hand around my waist. He turned to kiss me passionately before caressing my cheek with his cold touch. "I'll see you tomorrow my love ok? Please don't be sad" He whispered against my ear after noticing my shift in moods. Being away from ones mate could truly be seen as torture."run along now, I'm sure they have a juicy steak ready for you" he said with a chuckle. "Oh shut it" I mumbled playfully as he released my hand reluctantly.

" I will see you tomorrow" I confirmed making my way towards the castle gates, transforming swiftly before I could change my mind, bolting with Mikasa for the evergreen forest, hearing the crashing waves growing ever close and the castle nearing with every step.

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