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Erens pov

Once the cobbled tower peaks came within our range of sight, I retransformed stumbling to my feet letting out a frustrated huff. I already missed his sweet smile ... his arms around me... his scent- his tender kisses. It has been a mere hour and I'm not sure how long I was going to last without him. "Are you alright Eren? You're acting rather strange" She asked as I turned to her slowly a smile spread across my face "of course I'm alright, I ... I miss him so much" I admitted gazing over the rippling coast to see the docks once again filled with trading boats.

"You're newly mated, and to a vampire of all creatures, that will not be helpful for your bonding hormones " she taunted chuckling to herself. "What are bonding hormones?" I reply rather confused as I had only briefly heard of them once during my studies. "You-...you don't know what they are-? ARMIN!" she practically shrieked from across the gaping fields causing me to cover my ears swiftly. "My gods Mikasa was that truly necessary-?" I sighed before my mood instantly perked seeing my blond-haired friend rushing to greet us. "What on earth is going on ?" he asked concerned by Mikasa's ruckus panting softly from his quick jog.

"Eren, no one informed you as to what bonding hormones are?!" She repeated in shock. "Is it truly hat big of an issue??" I replied frustrated not understanding their very dramatic reactions. "yes!" her and Armin both replied in unison alarming me as my eyes widened slightly. "Oh god, we'll have to explain later Eren your parents will be awaiting your return" Armin said as he took my arm and began to lead me back towards the castle.

"Oh Eren you reek of vampire's... ugh its ghastly – what on earth have you been up to?" Armin asked covering his nose swiftly. "Nothing!" I replied defensively rather flustered by what they were implying. "Well that prince said that no harm would come to you whilst you were by his side, and I will be checking for myself as to whether he was being truthful" she stated raising an eyebrow in suspicion. "You will do nothing of the sort Mikasa" I sternly grunted rolling my eyes before letting out a quiet chuckle and making sure my chest could not be seen by either of the two.

When Mikasa reached up to adjust the hood of my jacket I leaned away slightly, causing it to fall off of my head revealing my pale blue collar. "What on earth-?" Mikasa gasped as I pulled my hood over my head once again. "It is nothing-!" I protested when both her and Armin crowded me excitedly. "Is that -?!" Armin exclaimed as the two of them both shouted with joy. "h-honestly you two- knock it off!" I demanded deeply embarrassed as the two tried pulling my jacket off, chasing me down the hallway to do so. The three of us began to laugh at our childish games of catching one another, slowly calming down.

Once reaching the end of our path the smell of cooked pork began to drift across the courtyard. The three of us dashed towards the dining room door bursting past our guards happily digging into the freshly prepared meal hearing my mother gasp beside me. "Eren! Darling would you at least sit down and speak with me before acting like a starved bear and destroying the dining table?" My mother scolded as I wiped my mouth quickly gazing over to her. "Of course mother I'm sorry-" I apologised composing myself before taking a seat like a civilised person as I heard her soft giggle shaking her head in disbelief.

"What is he like? Is he tall? Is he handsome? What colour are his eyes? Is he treating you properly? I've never actually met the vampire royals, what are his parents like?" She rambled on questioning me as I waited for her to catch her breath. "Mama too much at once" I chuckled not being able to keep up with her list of enquiries. "Oh alright I'm sorry, but come on! Tell me all about him!" she exclaimed excitedly causing my cheeks to flush with joy getting to talk about my mate." Alright well, He's slightly taller than me, muscular, black haired, silver eyes like a storm cloud, absolutely gorgeous, so unbelievably sweet, intelligent- I could truly go on for hours" I muttered rather dazed at the picture of Levi before me. "I see, so...How were they? Were you treated well? If they hurt you-" She began before I stopped her train of thought quickly , keeping the incident that had happened a private matter. "They were unbelievably welcoming and kind, although I must admit ... other wolves are not so welcomed by the vampires. They speak of us as though we were toxic to be around" I grumbled in frustration "however I cannot blame them as we are no better ourselves"

"May I eat mother? I'm starving" I whimpered dramatically as my mother rolled her eyes "go on my pup, before you starve to death" she teased as I dove back into my meal. My mother watched as the three of us enjoyed our dinner before rising from her seat "I had the maids tend to your room whilst you were away, it should be nice and clean. Your father will be arriving back from his trip shortly so eat up quickly before he comes to steal it all" she stated sarcastically making the three of us smile. "He is most excited to talk to you and meet your new mate my darling, as am I. Mikasa already informed me that he will be staying with us tomorrow evening so we should host a feast in his honour" she says rushing off to tend to her own duties relaxed.

Mentally my mother is still very young and excitable, however my father is far more grounded and incredibly wise for his age. He often spends time with me either at the beach or on our training grounds as we both enjoy physical activities, however he has to leave the city once every now and again to attend to business overseas concerning his health. There is a clinic not to far from our own shore that specialises in the treatment of werewolves where my father receives the upmost respect and best treatments.

After our food the three of us decided to make our way back outside to the training facilities, keeping Levi's jacket on at all times in order to keep his scent close to me. I noticed both Armin and Mikasa giggling at the sight, finding it absolutely adorable to see me bent head over heels for my lover. Once the sun began to set in the west I took off towards my own sleeping chambers, falling into my soft covers melting with exhaustion, drifting into a deep slumber griping my bed sheets tightly.

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