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Erens pov

Levi led me across the room towards the other end of the table, my mouth watering at the sight of so much food. He sat himself in a large wooden chair, pulling another up beside him offering it to me "well take a seat then darling" he laughed quietly as I sat down slowly relaxing into the chair . A few moments later the same brown-haired girl from the previous evening rushed into the dining hall giggling and squealing "LEVIIIII~! He's so cute!" she screeched sitting herself across from Levi her elbows resting against her plate with her chin in her hands.

"U-Um ... hello" I said quietly staring at the strange women as she instantly turned in my direction "I'm sorry your highness, my name is Hanji Zoe it's a pleasure to meet you" she exclaimed extending her hand politely. Taking her hand I shook it respectfully "Eren Jäger" I replied causing her grin to widen. "Where is he?" Levi snapped rather sternly to the young woman taking me slightly by surprise as Hanji lost her mischievous smile turning to face Levi "he thought he would be better not to show his face after he disrespecting you last night" she replied, a hint of fear lingering in her voice.

"Well, he may be a Bastard but at least he knows his place "he hissed under his breath before letting out a frustrated sigh "get him in here, we shall deal with the...situation later" he ordered as his guards stood to attention leaving the dining hall to retrieve the young prince. "Go ahead Eren, please eat" he said smiling sweetly to me. My heart fluttered at his kind words before I hungrily delved into the array of tender meat. I grabbed a large rack of ribs laying them across my silver plate tearing the tender meat from the bone viciously. Licking my lips I finishing my mouthful and setting the cleaned white bones back down onto my plate. Gazing back up I noticed both Levi and Hanji staring in utter shock as I couldn't help but burst out into fits of laughter. Clearly neither of them had ever truly seen a wolf feeding.

Levis pov

Eren devoured those ribs like a vicious predator. Tearing the flesh strait from the bone, ripping it with his bare teeth. Is that how he attacks when he means to kill someone-?! He licked his lips clean before laying the empty carcase back against his plate. When he looked back up from his meal, he noticed our shock before bursting into fits of laughter. It took me a moment before what I had just witnessed sunk in and I also began laugh hysterically.

After a moment the two of us calmed back down and turned our focus to Hanji who was now staring at me in surprise "y-you just-?!??" she swiftly turned to Eren causing him to flinch back in shock "How did you do that?!" she snapped. "W-What-?" he asked filled with confusion "alright Hanji it is not that rare for me top-"

"How on earth did you make him laugh?" Eren gazed over to me incredibly bewildered "well i-im not sure I just-, isn't laughing normal for vampires...?" He muttered as I let out a quiet sigh "I think what she is implying is that I don't often laugh or enjoy myself as I am more the serious type" I replied kissing his forehead gently watching him relax once again. "Oh I see" he replied with a smile as the doors opened quietly, Erwin stepping into the room and making his way towards the dining table. I wrapped my arm around Eren's shoulders protectively my predatory glare fully visible to everyone in the room. I felt Eren shiver under my touch, gripping his chair tightly in order to present himself in a calm demeanour. I smiled proudly to myself, seeing how proud my wolf must be in order to protect his dignity and name that he would fight his animallistic instincts to flee and protect himself.

Erens pov

As prince Erwin came closer towards the dining table with every step my heart began pounding in my chest, clenching at my throat. I felt Levi's arm around me, his claws extended and laying against my arm possessively. His eyes glowed a deep shade of red as I couldn't help but shiver. Before taking his seat, he placed a kiss against Hanji's head, leaving me rather confused when it all clicked inside of my heads. Of course she came to protect him last night, they are mates! I tried to keep a strait face controlling and maintaining a cold and fearless demeanour watching him sit down quietly. The sheer pain and anguish I had felt from that man's attack began to all rush back to me, a single tear rolling down my cheek. He's just another vampire Eren. Yes, he managed to harm you...far more than any opponent had before... but I am stronger than him, especially with Levi by my side. Get yourself together and stop acting like a defenceless dog. I let out a small giggle, a few cheeky scenarios running through my head when a light bulb went off causing a smirk to spread across my face. 'let's show him what happens to stupid creatures that get in my way' I thought to myself.

I rose from my seat abruptly, grabbing the attention of those in the room, including the palace guards, reaching for a whole bore splayed across a large platter. Snapping the creature's spine in half I tore the animal to shreds limb for limb, devouring its meat savagely before raising my eyes to meet Erwin's gaze. I wiped my mouth against the back of my hand, realising my claws had been extended and my canine teeth hung from my jaw. I slowly retracted both of my hunting amenities taking my seat beside Levi examining the reactions in the room.

Hanji was once again staring in complete wonder and excitement; she's slightly unhinged I've come to realise. Erwin's mouth slightly ajar as fear struck his eyes, several of the guards visibly terrified after my bold display of strength. I smirked pleased that my small party trick had gotten the reaction id hoped for, turning my attention to Levi seeing him gazing proudly down to me causing my heart to flutter. Levi simply glared across their dinner towards Erwin however the young prince refused to meet his gaze. "Well that was delicious" I claimed calmly, watching as Hanji dug into a large slab of dripping beef with a grin on her face.

Levi stood out of his chair, taking my hand and helped me from my seat politely. "I shall be in my study with Eren if I should be needed" he explained as he led me back down the hallway. I couldn't help but smirk as we walked behind Erwin and i mumbled behind him "filthy blood sucker" his face turning even paler than usual. Levi unlocked his chambers showing me inside before closing the doorway behind us quietly "Eren, may I please...?" he asked me politely, gently tugging at my collar his eyes glowing lightly with hunger. I smiled softly, quickly unbuttoning my blouse for him slipping it from my shoulders "of course my love" I cooed.

Levi didn't hesitate, pinning me down against our bedsheets he sank his fangs deep into the nape of my neck sending a shocking wave of pain down my spine. I held back a few small whimpers as to not discourage Levi wanting him to feed sufficiently. His fangs inched deeper causing me to let out a weak squeek my lips trembling as Levi slowly pulled back from my neck wiping his lips "I'm so sorry , I was hurting you wasn't i?" he asked as I kissed his head gently my hands cupping his pale cheeks " I am fine my darling" I reassured hum as his beautiful crimson eyes dazed with pure affection.

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