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Levis pov

I was practically drifting to sleep and i felt my hand ache as i dropped my ink filled quill onto the oak desk top. Leaning back from my writing table i softly stretched out my arms, my eyes heavy with sleep derivation as i peered over to the pocket watch led beside my papers , 06:00am . I was currently busy signing off the 2500 hand written invitations to my coming of age ball, which still bewildered me. Since turning 20 on Wednesday i have had an odd sense of loss and desire but for what i am not sure. The king had forbidden my participation in the guards training regemine until every letter had been signed , stamped and sealed in my name to be sent off for the following week. Utterly infuriating. And to my annoyance, my cousins hadn't stopped pestering me with love interests since the second i became an adult. Since i usually sleep from early morning until mid evening i was dying for some rest, my eyes about to fall closed when i heard a soft explosion, my eyes shot wide .

"what the-" i rushed strait for window only to see three wolves bolting across the courtyard .I let out a low groan of anger seeing they had once again broken through their lines of defense. i swiftly went to turn away when an intense wave of peppermint and orange drifted by causing him to stumble in shock. " how did they get this far in without being spotted ?!" I mutter trying to distract myself from the intoxicating scent . Hearing Erwins screams i swiftly rushed out into the corridor before seeing him dripping wet and reeking of intense lavender and herbs " what on earth did they do-?! Bastards how do they keep getting so far into the city?" i asked in frustration as i could still hear them cackling when the tallest of the three turned to reveal his enchanting emerald eyes and mischievous toothy grin  "at least now you smell better!" he called  as i stared in shock at his lack of sense to insult a vampire, let alone a royal. But where do i know that face from..? I swear i've seen him before but i couldn't place a name to the young mans face.

 I turned to see Hanji stood in the doorway seeing her let out a giggle " Did they get you again dear cousin?" She teased him seeing Ewins eyes flashed with anger "I've had it with these damned Muts -! god shouldn't they be extinct by now?" he stated in a fit of rage as i hissed quietly " im surprised you haven't learnt to keep an eye out , isn't this the second time this has happened?" i asked watching my cousin storm down the hallway . I let out an irritated sigh pinching the bridge of my nose gently "i've had enough of this, Who are these brats that keep managing to infiltrate the city?" i asked Hanji to which she responded calmly " It's the prince, he's a real trouble maker from what i've heard, and those two friends of his, Mi-Mikasa? and .. oh Armin . They are only pups, the three of them around aged 18? and yet they dumbfound our guards it's truly embarrassing" she sighed 

" go and call on the maids to get this mess cleaned up, i don't have the energy to deal with this Hanji i need my rest" I stated to which she nodded in agreement " Is there any way i can help you? how many are left...?" she asked taking my arm gently in attempt to sooth me , to which i gazed over clearly exhausted " i have 300 left and i need to finish them by dawn- i'll manage " i stated before gently pulling away from her grip and headed back inside my office falling down into the soft leather chair. " well .... this is going to be a pain " i muttered rolling up my blouse cuffs and continued to swiftly fill out the parchment sheets . 

Within the timespan of an hour it had reached 07:30 am and i heard a gentle knock at the door " may i help you..?" i groaned weakly before Hanji let herself into my study  with a taunting expression spread across her face " Levi thats enough. get to bed for god sakes - how many do you have left??" she interrogated as i burried my face into my palms with desperation "Hanji-" i sighed softly " only 53- please don't distract me i'm almost finished " i stated looking back up to see her taking an uninvited seat at my desk." It was a total of 2500 girls was it not?" she asked with curiosity " well not quite, 1200 young maidens and 1300 young gentlemen- my father knows of my attraction to both genders and wanted to give me a better chance of finding my mate - this whole thing is ludicrous " i muttered once again before simply chuckling and shoved the last few sheets aside " i will finish it once i awaken alright? i promise" i protested only to roll my eyes hearing her begin to ramble " you better find your mate before the next spring, I cannot deal with you experiencing another season , it was torture-"

" i know alright? good lord you never stop-" "Hanji i need you to hold me- no Hanji get your hands off of me" she mocked cackling as i felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment as i nudged her aside " alright i get it! get out i need my peace" i grumbled shoving her out of my private quarters closing the door abruptly behind her. I carefully set the stacks aside and wearily stumbled over to my bed frame, unbuttoning and tossing my blouse to the ground pulling the covers up to cover my pale skin.As soon as my head hit the white feather pillow i drifted into a peaceful slumber and managed to get several hours of blissful sleep to regain my strength.

 I awoke late in the evening to see the sun begin to set over the mountain peaks , causing me to rub my sore eyes and push my plush bedding aside. Seeing the clock at 19:45 i let out a husky grumble making my way into my privat bathing quarters , refreshing myself with a cool shower . Drying down my soft skin i reached for my uniform adjusting it accordingly when Hanji and Erwin once again knocked on my door , and opening it up this time i had a much more calm and pleasant expression. The three of us took our time heading for the royal training courtyard as i began to relax at the thought of training, walking down the dimly lit stone corridors brushing the stress of the evening to come aside.

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