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Erens pov 

After watching the sun rise above the horizon all three of us clambered to our feet brushing the sand from our clothing. My eyes widened slightly at the sight of Jean Kirschstein leading a ralley of troops along the castle grounds towards their training fields "We must have lost track of the time .." Armin muttered quietly as we slipped in through the iron forged gates getting a side eyed glare from Jean. "Morning Jäger." he greeted stubbornly, only to my amusment i responded with a " Good morning horsie" whilst leading my freinds back inside snickering. " I'll hurry and get changed, meet you two in just a few moments" Mikasa said before rushing for her sleeping quaters, Armin and i doing the same hurridly tossing our clothing aside and pulling on our combat uniforms, loose cargo pants and a plain unasuming shirt. Briefly rincing off with a splash of cold water against my sun kissed face i adjusted my shirt, before heading back down the towers corridor along side Armin to find Mikasa waiting to greet us by the Battelfield.

To my suprise once we reahed her she clambered onto my back tackeling me to the ground " Mikasa what the-!" i snapped playfully groaning only to hear her soft giggles "We are to drill one on one excercises together your highness~" she teased sweetly before i gently pushed her aside rising back to my feet "a warning would have been nice" i responded with a small grin before peeking over to see Armin working along side Jean , letting out a low growl " i still don't like that guy-.."

//time skip brought by Jeans horse face//

After several hours of intense combat training i pulled off my sweat dreanched shirt tossing it aside and turned my attention to the cool and blissful ocean, bolting at full speed towards the refreshing abiss. " eren wait for us-!" i heard from the distance , peaking back and noticing both Armin and Mikasa chasing after me with a joyace expression . I stumbled trying to pull down my trousers, managing with some difficulty before throwing them over my shoulder and diving into the soft blue water, turning around to gently splash my commerads. This week i had finally gotten the chance to relax and enjoy my free time again as my father had managed to acomplish some of my duties ahead of schedual.  Seeing a few larger waves hit the shore i dove down into the cold water pinching at my freinds legs causing them to squeel in shock , smiling softly as i resurficed for breath chuckling with joy.

I felt slight panic set in as i saw the two swimming in my direction seeking their playful revenge, gasping as i swiftly tried to swim out of reach but to no avail, i was snatched away in their arms being tickled relentlessly. I squirmed and wriggled at their touch a laughing mess begging for mercy " p-please ahaha-! im sorry stoooop~!" I panted catching my breath slowly only to watch the pair burst into fits of laughter " Eren oh you should have seen your face-!" Armin exclaimed as i groaned quietly splashing the salty water into their faces happily yet again " you bastards~!" i stubbornly pout as we cairfuly made our way back to the beach drenched from head to toe as i shook out my wet hair.

The three of us shook off as best we could, pulling on our dry trousers when all of our ears perked up and i felt my mouth beginn to water " is that..chicken?" i asked with joy as Armin sniffed the air before the three of us raced back inside the castle grounds following the delicious scent before bursting into the dining hall happily. " i win!" i teased, our eyes glistening with excitment seeing the banquet table filled with fresh cooked chicken and pork belly, acompanied by mashed potatoes, vegitables and pots of gravey " this must be heaven" Mikasa remarked her tail swaying back and forth as we each reached for a plate loading it up with the delicious food . Taking a seat as i saw my mother make her way towards the busy dining tabl " a busy day you've had i see?" she asked raising an eyebrow as the three of us all nod in agreement seeing her soft smile " go on then eat up you need your strength"

Watching as we devoured our dinner my mother let out a remorseful sigh " honestly you three, my anyone would thing you were starving street rats, have some decorum please" she asked to which we finished our mouthful apologising quietly " yes mother my apologies, have you recieved a telegram ?" i hummed looking up to her with curiosity seeing a black and golden sealed envelope in her hands

"Eren dear " i heard her say directing all of her attention towards me, handing me the neatly packed envelope with the vampres royal crest wax seal on the back . I let out a low hiss my fur standing on edge as i felt my skin prickle with anger " what is this...?!" i asked in shock glaring at the envelope before looking up to my mother in confution " it..well it appears to be an invitation darling...to prince Levis coming of age ball this evening. Now before the war every vampre and wolf prince would each attend the others celebration as a sign of respect and despite our wars this is a tradition we refuse to break." she informed me sternly to which i gulped silently hearing both Armin and Mikasa choking on their wine utterly bewildered. "you-you expect me to go to a vampires ball?!" i questioned trying to hide the pit of fear building in my stomach.

" The king himself has sworn that under no meens shall you come to any harm, dare he break that oath we shall rain hell upon their kingdom ." she explained her eyes a dark hue of red as i saw the fury boiling inside of her " those filthy vermin have taken enough from us, i would not send you into their relm unless i was certain of your safety my dear, his head will be mounted on a spike before he could place a claw on my pup, do you hear me? " she eludicates to which i gave a respectful nod " i hope i am alloud an escort of my own?" i asked with a glint of hope in my eye watching her nod " of corse my son, and i would like Mikasa to accompany you on this venture, you are a skilled soldier my dear and it would give your aunt some peace of mind" she cooed in a soothing hum watching as Mikasa nods in obedience looking up to her belovid guardien " of course aunt Kathrin , i will keep my eye on him- good lord what will i wear-?!" she gasped causing both Armin and i to once again errupt with laughter watching as she dashed towards her chambers leaving a smile on our face.

I watched as my mother once again picked up the letter handing it towards me , taking a sharp inhail of breath i broke open the neatly pressed seal reading through the letter slowly

Adressed to Prince Eren Jäger , the future of the Wolf Kingdom

you are here by welcome to attend the 20th celibration of prince Levis birthday, which shall be held this comming friday in order to help unite our kingdoms and find the young princes mate before he takes the to the throne in one years time

It will be our pleasure to recieve you and a guest to our City

Signed by his Royal Highness


I look forward to finally meeting you, Eren

I felt my heart racing as i gave a soft nod agreeing to attend the young mans ball, folding the letter and slipping it away slowly. In only two days i would come face to face with prince Levi . I arose from my seat excusing myself from the dining table only to head to my chambers and find apropriet attire to wear for such a momentous occasion, and in only two days time...

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