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Levis pov

I woke up to the sun shining directly through my window hissing quietly to myself as I became nauseous from the heat. I had a look over towards my desk noticing a giant stack of fresh papers for me to fill out. Typical. I decided to wear something rather simple yet fitting to meet Eren's family as I pulled on a silk blouse in a deep wine-red colour along with a pair of fitted black trousers. I truly was not looking forward to being surrounded by filthy mutts all day, but for Eren I would do anything. It mustn't have been easy for him either to be amongst so many predators, I know he was frightened at times. In all honesty I too was frightened knowing I was walking straight into the wolves' den, but I knew with Eren I wouldn't be put in any danger. Not being able to stand being away from him any longer I quickly freshened myself up in the bathroom before grabbing a small bag sliding a few essentials inside such as a toothbrush, change of clothing, daggers, small pistol, -

I pulled on my ankle boots swiftly before making my way down the corridor ordering my guards to lower the drawbridge. "Levi?" I heard a familiar voice turning to see Erwin making his way towards me. "Come now we have to finish off that wolf before you leave or he will turn rotten" He protested, daring to act as tho nothing had happened between us. "The mut was already near death after I dragged him from the battlefield, you finish him off." I snapped harshly as I turned back to watch the drawbridge open before my eyes. "I'm going out. I won't be returning until tomorrow. Inform mother and father, and don't get blood on any of my things" I say coldly before walking out of the castle and into the town square surrounding the palace.

As soon as I picked up Eren's lingering scent I followed it eagerly through the city, although I must admit tracking was not my strong suit. A few rather drunken vampires, who had clearly stayed up awfully late at the local tavern tried approaching me only to be met by a low hiss. Once they seemingly recognised my face the three of them scattered from my sight causing me to sigh with frustration. Once reaching the edge of the forest I could faintly make out the peak of a cobbled tower, of which I could only presume belonged to the wolve's domain... I walked along the beaten track that seemed to be purposely trampled, nearing the castle with every step.

Erens pov

My father had made his way inside to take a nap as he seemed incredibly tired after his journey home. "Jäger" Jean greeted as he passed Mikasa and myself, placing a tender kiss against Armin's forehead. "Horse face" I responded irritated already realising what direction this spit would go in. Turning part of my transformation I allowed my claws and fangs to extend at the ready, luckily for him I had already unpacked my stowaway pocket weaponry and remained unarmed. Watching jean becoming even more agitated I growled before the two of us were at each other's throats, tackling him to the field and snapping at one another. "Really guys?! Again ?!" Armin whimpered with frustration at out childish behaviour. It wasn't long until we were both bored of our pointless row and detransformed fully, amazingly not injured.

"Whatever, I have better things to do" Jean muttered under his breath. "Yeah right, what exactly? Wishing you were as brilliant as me?" I replied sarcastically as Mikasa began to chuckle in the background. Noticing Jean begin to become angry yet again I swiftly took off towards the front of the palace followed closely by Mikasa "honestly you two are so comical". Suddenly I got a strong whiff of sweet vanilla drifting through the air, my tail beginning to sway with excitement. I turned around to see Levi at the other side of the dancing fields of flowers. Our eyes grew wide as he dropped his bag to the ground and both of us began to run towards each other desperately, clashing together in the middle of the old track. Clinging onto one another I covered his pale skin in my loving, passionate kisses as he continued to do the same trailing up my neck before our lips locked together and I melted against his loving touch.

By this point half of the royal staff were gawking either from corridor windows, walkways, or doorframes- but I honestly couldn't care less. "I missed you oh so much Levi" I whined desperately on the brink of tears when I felt his arms tighten around my waist. "Oh god Eren, don't ever leave me for that long again. I could hardly bare it" he replied snatching me up into his arms kissing my lips yet again. "I love you" he repeated over and over in between each gentle kiss causing me to chuckle quietly. "I love you too" I replied holding onto him tightly not allowing him to escape my grip. I briefly saw Mikasa rush past us and grab Levi's bags carrying them off to the palace gates when we broke our kiss and collapsed together onto the floor still in each other's arms. We both looked at each other and began chuckling quietly realising how needy the pair of us were.

"I don't ever wish to be parted from you" I whined resting my head against his chest feeling him instantly relaxing under me. "Neither do I" he replied, softly kissing along my tanned neck and chest before pausing quietly. "You kept it on ...?" he asked filled with joy as he kissed along my collar causing my cheeks to flush slightly "of course I did, it was a gift from you " I replied lovingly. His eyes glistened a faint shade of rose smiling down to me. "Are you hungry Levi? I'm so sorry I completely forgot you won't have fed since I left" I asked concerned as he took my hand rising back up to our feet. "Well, I am but- I don't think it's a good idea to do that here" he whispered as I gave a gentle nod in agreement. Having the entire kingdom gazing down upon us was quite uncomfortable. "come" I hummed softly leading him down the scraggily track into the castle grounds.

"Mikasa!" I called asking for Levi's bag and hesitantly she gave it to me keeping a stern gaze on my mate protectively. As she started to walk by she paused at me for a brief moment "I don't like this Eren, he has weapons in there" she growled quietly as both Armin and Jean's eyes widened, causing the horses grip to tighten around Armin "what-?". I scoffed softly looking at them utterly confused "and your point is? Did we not take weapons with us when we entered his palace Mikasa?" I reminded her to which the three of them began to calm their nerves as I watched Armin scratch the back of his head "you do have a point". Levi slung his bag over his shoulder pulling my waist in closer before gazing to the small group "you are all terrible whisperers" he stated plainly. I noticed both Armin and Mikasa stiffen with fear. "Apologies your highness, Eren's safety is very important to us and we felt it needed to be discussed. We merely wished to voice our concern" Armin explained before bowing respectfully.

"How sweet" He muttered under his breath causing him to chuckle as I smiled to myself "come now bat brains let's get going" I taunted before rushing off to my chambers tower. I turned round to a very amused and shocked Levi "bat brains? Did you just call me bat brains?" He asked with a playful tone. "So what if I did~? What exactly are you going to do about it~?" I teased sticking my tongue out watching him become even more fired up. "Why you little -!" He began before dashing for the stairs. I squealed excitedly, bolting up my winding twisted stairway hearing Levi bust in close behind me , the pare of us laughing the whole way. "Get back here you brat!" he called chuckling as we both burst through my bed chambers door as I was viciously tackled to the ground.

"Well hey there bat brains" I grinned cheekily when his smile suddenly turned to a grin as he bent down nibbled on my ear. "Brat~". His fangs gently grazed my neck and pierced into my smooth tanned skin. I shivered under his touch gripping onto my mate tightly as I felt him feeding from my neck, driven with hunger. Once he pulled away, I wiped my blood from his lower lip with a faint blush. "Such a loving puppy" he smiled, licking the remaining blood from my neck leaving gentle kisses against my throat. "Thank you my love" I whispered caringly, caressing his muscular chest causing him to smile softly and sink beside me onto the stone floor "there is no need to thank me darling".

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