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Erens pov 

"Nervous ?" i heard Mikasa taunt playfully beside me to lighten the mood. I smiled softly and chuckled before nudging her side " this will be fun , lets try not to trash the place hm? after all we are suppose to make a good impression " i remarked taking her arm politly before i gulped hearing the music become louder with every footstep

Levis pov 

I once again criticizes my appearance in my bathroom mirror, brushing down my suite taking care of any lint or fluff that may have gotten caught in the threads. I let out a heavy sigh and slung my wrord around my waist , tossing my cape around my shoulders before heading from my bed chambers down to the grand hall. Seeing Hanji and Erwin admiring the ballroom from above i walked to their side only to be greeted by loud gasps of suprise. " what is it? is something wrong??" i asked nervously when i saw Hanjis eyes light up " Levi you look incredible! please let me always design your suits" she begged causing me to chuckle quietly ever so slightly flushed in the cheeks " why thank you , you truly did an amazing job" i complimented .

Hearing the clock strike 8 pm i let out yet another sigh and chuclled " let us go and entertain our guests shall we?" i suggested leading the way down the marbled stairway taking a seat upon my black throne relaxing slowly. As their thousands of guests flooded the ballroom the orchestra began to play and the ambiance quickly picked up.

Erens pov 

Hearing the laughter and joy of several Vampires set the both of us on edge. I looked over to Mikasa gripping her hand softly " are you alright?" i asked quietly to which she gave a gentle sigh " other than the fact that we are going to be surrounded by more than 2000 thirsty blood suckers im fine" she admitted causing me to smile at her sarcastic tone " if anything happend , we always have the option to shift and bolt for the forrest, we can do this" i reasured her hoping to loose most of their tension. We quietened down considerably when we caught wind of three guards that began to follow us to the castle, trying to remain calm we brushed it aside and continued on foot  .

"can i help you gentleman ?" I enquired irritated by their presence trying to keep my temper under controll. Hearing a soft hiss from Mikasa in disagreement i turned to her slowly " you will get us in deep trouble Eren." she scolded and i was beginning to see red hearing the guards beginn to chuckle "mind your own buisness " i snapped grumbling as they fell silenced almost imediatly when i felt mikasas grip tighten against my arm "Eren " Mikasa scolded quietly which instanly caught my attention peaking down to my side " put the claws away " she said softly catching me compleatly by suprise . I glanced down to see my claws fully extended as i let out a quiet huff quickly retracting them and gripped my hands "sorry...come" i grumbled pulling her away gently

Considering the fact that my temper can get the best of me sometimes and i was trying not to cause any trouble tonight i began to swiftly rush away from the guards running along side Mikasa . "Eren slow down-!" she huffed quietly when i shot a cheeky grin in her direction " hang on you need to trust me on this -" i smirked swiftly snatching her by the waist and lept into the air onto the citys rooftop. I heard her gasp loudly before gently clipping me across the ear causing me to let out a soft yelp " im sorryyyy" i cooed as she whined "jesus don't scare me like that-" she demanded as the pair of us slipped down onto the other side of the street howling playfully, landing oposit the castle courtyard . Taking her hand once again i led the way towards the ballroom.

I felt a rush of fear as thousands of eyes landed on us, being the two wolves our scent was easily recognisable of corse, and having ears and a tail didnt help to hide it much either. I quietly chuckle smiling as Mikasa let out a soft giggle, walking alongside one another into the grand hall , weaving our way through the crowd. Spotting a free window ledge we both made our way to the pocket of space, relaxing lent up against the cold glass.Realising how ludicrous the situation was that we found ourself in we could help but laugh quietly to one another at the snorts and glares from the Vampire nobility.

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