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Erens pov

"Are you alright Levi? Do you need more?" I asked concerned as he hadn't eaten for quite a while. "I am alright for now my love, could I possible have some more later?" He asked sitting up slowly. I smiled sitting up beside him kissing the tip of his nose "of course". I clambered to my feet, lending a hand to help him up before sitting back on my soft bedding. I felt Levi's hand slipping up and tenderly scratching my ears, causing me to stiffen swiftly before relaxing into his hand flushed. I whined quietly at the gentle touch and nuzzled my head further into his hand, hearing him chuckle. I hummed softly feeling the warm sun beaming through the window as I melted into my mate's touch. Feeling his hand brush against my tail I giggled quietly beginning to wag as he chuckled once again placing kisses against my ear "so adorable...~". I couldn't help but sit there smiling as I looked up at Levi, the sun shining on his beautiful raven black hair.

"Why don't I show you the gardens?" I asked excitedly as I felt up Levi's chest before standing to my feet taking his hand. He stood by my side happily causing me to giggle as I led him back down the spiral staircase. I took him around the back of my chamber tower towards a small willow gate, showing him the quiet path into the royal gardens. "Here we are. This area was built for my privacy and as a quiet escape, so we won't see anyone else in here. I thought it might give you a small break from the wolf smell" I chuckled admiring him. "It's beautiful...are these roses?" He asked walking over to the large rose woven nook, a small area completely filled with roses. I nod my head gently smiling up to him "they are my favourite, so I asked them to be featured".

Levi wrapped his arms around my waist snugly before taking in a subtle whiff of my scent muttering to himself "sweet...". Realising he must have been hungry I slowly sat down onto the garden bench beside a rose bush, pulling up my sleeve to reveal my wrist. "Here you are, please eat" I said softly pressing my hand to his mouth. I ran my fingers through his silky hair when he sank his fangs back into my slim wrist. "Levi" I mutter holding him tightly as he held me in his arms protectively.

"Eren?" I heard a voice calling from the gardens gate and I held my breath as to not let out any odd or flustered noises. "Yes?" I replied shakily but I felt Levi instantly soften his bite and become a lot more gentle against my skin. "Hey, our lunch will be ready in about five minutes, where are you? It reeks, was the bloodsucker here?". I recognised Armin's voice immediately and I heard Levi grumble at the intrusion and mean-spirited nickname, his eyes glowing. I let out a quiet squeak when Levi's fangs sunk just a little deeper into my skin. My breath became unsteady as I tried to control my quivering voice. "Is something the matter Eren?" Armin asked a tone of worry lingering in his voice, his footsteps becoming louder as he made his was through the garden path in our direction. "n-nothing really!" I spluttered out nervously before he came to a swift stop. "Is he in there with you...?" he asked sounding both scared and embarrassed simultaneously.

"p-please make your way over already I will be there in just a second!" I called before Levi retracted his fangs licking my wrist until it was once again clean. "Alright-!" Armin chirped before quickly rushing back out of the rose gardens, he wasn't all too good at confronting his fears or worries. Hearing the small gates bolt being rattled shut Levi instantly relaxed and I felt his arms slip around my waist pulling me into his lap. "I'm sorry puppy, that mustn't have been nice for you" he apologised but I could only smile at his sweet concerned expression "it is alright my love".

"Well then, you should go and eat" he stated pulling me up to my feet holding my hand with our fingers intertwined. As I brushed my shirt down, I noticed a single drop of blood that had fallen onto a white rose petal, and I couldn't help but smile. I led him back along the gravel track around my chamber tower and back towards the dining hall. I observed the guards as they tensed with fear and the maids kept a respectable distance with their eyes glued to my mate. I gently gripped Levi's hand before offering him the seat beside my chair. The staring and whispering were causing my anger to tick like a timebomb inside my head, slamming my knife against the table gently. "Is there a problem-?!" I snapped frustrated at the staff members in the room.

"Eren darling they are on edge- can you blame them? This is the first time they have been this close to one of his kind" My mother explained patiently. "I don't give a damn, they should stop gawking" I huffed under my breath trying my best to keep my temper under control. "It is so thrilling to finally meet you prince Levi" she hummed, extending her hand to him. I could instantly sense his discomfort as he politely shook her hand before getting seated properly. Levi placed his arm round my waist protectively and I smiled with joy, instantly relaxing as I dug into my food slowly. He watched me his eyes filled with admiration before gazing around at the other k-nines in the room. He must have truly hated them, which I could honestly understand as before I met Levi, I despised all vampires without exception. I wasn't all that hungry, so I finished my small steak rather quickly.

"I'm going to go back outside with Levi" I stated standing back up from my seat as Levi rose up instantly by my side. I felt Mikasa's harsh judgmental gaze as my tail flickered irritated. I could tell by Levi's expression that he was more than grateful to be taken out of the wolf filled room and back to the fresh ocean air. The sun would start to set in roughly one hour so I decided to take him for a small swim in the warm ocean water before night fall.

// AN : so sorry I promised a chapter and didn't get round to posting it on that day . Idk why but im just having slight problems writing, I have the story in my head but its just taking a bit longer to write it out how I want it to be told so sorry about that . But thank you for reading and hope your enjoying the book !!//

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