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Hi! i know i've been gone for a long time , i don;t realy have an excuse except life got in the way and i never managed to publish anything . Im working on the rest of the story and will hopefuly get it back on track ! hope you are all safe and happy! enjoy!)))

Levis pov

I slowly woke up to feel Eren pressed against my chest .I smiled softly and pulled his body closer , placing gentle kisses against his sensetive ears. My sleeping patern had become quite abnormal as being with Eren causes me to wake up with the sun still shining outside . I gazed off into the courtyard seeing the guards stroll along the gravel track , wondering what i would have to deal with from Kenny today . My thoughts were quickly washed away feeling a gentle twitch against my stomach . I looked down to see Erens tail gently brushing up against me and his eyes begin to open. I smiled seeing his eyes gazing up at me as his lips curved into a smile.Ii let out a soft chuckle and pulled him slightly closer , gently kissing him " good morning baby" I cooed quietly earning a soft little grunt from him.

His ears flopped slightly and he chuckled happily letting out a little bark.I smiled kissing his cheek and cuddeling him under the covers "moring" he replied as he burried his head into the crook of my neck . I gently tangled my fingers into his shaggy hair and happily listened to his soft whines of joy. "did you sleep well ?" I asked feeling his hands against my chest and he nods happily "like a puppy , you ..?" he asks as he slowly sat up streaching . I nod as a response and slowly sat up sliding the covers off and getting up

I slid off my clothing tossing it aside to my armchir and opened the wardrobe trying to find a suitable outfit for the day ahead.In the background i could hear eren fixing up his clothing and the swish of his tail brushing against the soft bedding. I pulled on a fitted shirt and a simple pair of fitted trousers , cuffing my wrists. "Do you need any clothing eren?" i asked turning to face him , landing a peck on his delecate lips. he gave a soft nod as i held his hand leading hin to the closet "Take your pick darling" i encouraged as i drew the curtains.

Eren pulled on a silk evening shirt and tucked it into his pants as i smiled and led him out of my chambers and down to the grand hall . As i always woke early , it was silent and i took erens waist puling him close "won't you dance with me?" i whispered into his ear quietly hearing his breath catch slightly before taking my hand . i smiled as i danced across the ballroom with him in my arms , reliving the eventful night we had met.

I felt his grip tighten slightly as he rested his head against my shoulder and i let out a sighof joy as i gazed up at the glass rooftop seeing the stars"do you remember when i asked you to dance with me?" i cooed lovingly as i held your waist firmly . I heard his soft chuckle as he nods "I honestly thought you'd gone mad" he sais quietly against my chest amd i couldn't help but laugh. the marble floor clicked softly under their heals and i slowly led yo away reluctantly breaking from their dance. As i led him down the cobbled corridor to the kitchen i could hear the castle start to wake up as the maids rushed about and the chamber bells rang in the service quaters.

erens pov

I held Levis hand in a tight grip as my tail softly swayed following him through the backs of the castle, peering into a few storage rooms along the way. I followed him to the kitchen where he searched around before finding a large steak and setting it on a plate. "Eat up wolfie" he cooed sweetly in my ear as it flickered gently and i flushed pulling up a chair. I sat down excitedly tucking into my meal as Levi pulled up a chair beside me and i could see the soft smile on his face. Hearing alot of loud noises from above us we both glanced to the celing "whats that?" i asked softly as Levi glared "my irritating uncle, i swear if he puts one more claw ot of line im gonna rip his head off.!" I could help but smile "i would like that very much" i mumbled quietly as i continued to eat ignoring the ruckus.

Not much later i slid the plate aside and leaned over kissing Levi gently taking his hand once again . " what shall we do today love?" i asked curiously and he kissed the palm of my hand gently "I need to finish a few serveillance plans with my council and then we can do whatever your little heart desires" he sais in his husky gentle voice which made my heart flutter in my chest. I placed another soft kiss on his cheek before he stood up once again and we walked down the corridor to his study. On second glance the door seemed to be jaared open and when going in his paperwork had been scattered across his desk.Confused, levi took a closer look before gazing up at me "puppy did you touch my wolf documentation papers?" he asks and i quickly shook my head no as his eyes widened ."kenny..." i mumbled quietly as Levi led me back downstairs to the great hall finding kenny surrounded by the council members.

Levis pov

"what in he hell do you think you are doing?" I hissed at kenny angrily my blood boiling  "how dare you violate my privat study!" i snapped my eyes exuting dominance glowing a deep shade of red. The council dispatched clearly not wishing to be involved in the discussion. "we have been thinking about your...'mate' and well, lets just say it may not be apropriat Levi. You clearly do not understand the complex history of our people." he said earning a vicious growl from Eren who griped my hand slightly tighter, feeling his claws dig into my palm . "I don't care for your opinions on my relationship thank you. Because when i am king Eren will rule beside me and if you think you can stop me i'd like to see you try." i replied to him as i simply pushed him aside and took my seat upon the golden throne. I took Erens waist pulling him down into my lap hearing him bark angrily at kenny which only made me smile . "get out of my sight." i ordered and watched as he walked away with a smug smile across his face, knowing e had gotten nder my skin.

I let out a small growl as i placed a kiss against Erens collar seeing him softly tremble . Knowing how shy Eren could be he lovingly pulled him closer to hold him protectivly. "well done baby, im so proud of you" i praised caressing his ears and watched as the sun began to rise making him smile at the thought of the day ahead.

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