Chapter 28 (LAST CHAPTER)

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A.N.: Thank you for 6k!!! And sorry for the late update but Wattpad wasn't working at all :/

*Back to Sam's P.O.V.*

"You're smarter than I thought Granger."

She now removed her mask, revealing that ugly ass face. God I hate her so much. So she was her. All this time. It was her.

"But being smart won't help you anyway." She said.

"Killing me won't make you win, you know it, right?"

"Uhm who knows... It'd definitely make things better."

I started to make her talk to distract her. Being a profile was another one of my dream jobs so I kinda know how to make someone put the gun down.

She started blabbing on how she was better than me, how she needed to put an end to my life because I wasn't worth it for this world. I needed to die.

Ugh. God she's so stupid.

This is the right moment. She's distracted right now. I should try to take the gun from her hands. There's no time to be a wuss.

I did it. Time seemed to go in slow motion. I tried to take the gun. We're fighting. She's not giving up.

*a gunshot*

Ouch. An instant pain was invading me. This bitch just shot me. But I'm not giving up. I have to end this. Now.

We're still fighting. This time the pain left space to the anger.

*another gunshot*

Right through her empty head.

Oh my God...

I kneeled down with the gun still in my hands.

The adrenaline that was running through my veins was now slowly fading.

I put the gun away. I looked down to the spot where she shot me.

I tried to tampon the wound somehow. The blood was coming out nonstop. And the pain was so much. Megan shot me in the most wrong spot ever. The spleen.

I tried to stand up but it didn't work. I'm shaking so much right now. I tried to take my phone, but I wasn't even able to take it in my hands.

*Ethan's P.O.V.*

*two gunshots*

What the fuck was that? I opened my eyes. Sam wasn't there. I walked in the bathroom to see if she was there but no. What is happening? Where is she? I looked out of the window to see if I could see what was happening outside, but I couldn't see nothing.

I put a t-shirt on and ran out of the room. Grayson, Olivia and Archie were outside too.

"What was that noise?"

"Where is Sam?" Olivia asked.

I tried to find out where the noise came from. There's someone at the gazebo. I ran again. And I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing.

"Oh my-" Olivia said.

"Sam!!" I said running towards her.

I started to tampon her wound with one hand.

Someone was calling 911. I wasn't even able to hear the rest of the world. All my world was there in front of me, and I needed to do everything possible to save her.

"Ethan... The s-stalker. It was... Megan..." She said reaching for my hand.

I held her hand. And I looked at Megan's body in the other part of the gazebo.

"I'm here now." I gently caressed her cheek.

"I'm so cold..." She started to close her eyes.

"No, Sam!! You have to stay awake. Okay? You have to do it."


The ambulance finally arrived.

"Don't... Leave me." She said while the paramedics were about to put her on a gurney.


"I love you Ethan."

"I love you more."

She closed her eyes.

"Sam... Sam? Sam!!!!" Tears were rolling down my cheeks. She was gone. She was...

I kneeled down with my face in my hands. Hearing again the sounds around me. I looked up at her. The paramedics were doing the CPR. But it was worthless. She lost too much blood.

Her hand was out of the gurney. I took it. I can't feel anything. I'm empty. My world just died with her.

Grayson, Olivia, Archie, Beverly. They were all there. Around the gurney. They were all crying.

All the campus was now waking up for all those noises. They were all coming here, to see what happened.

*a few days later*

It was the day of Sam's funeral. I still can't believe she's not with me anymore. I can't believe I can't look in her beautiful eyes, or give her a kiss before we fall asleep. I miss her so much.

The worst thing is that today there are two funerals. They're gonna do a funeral for that... For the person who stole her from me. And most of the people that are here, well they didn't even know her, they didn't love her.

*Grayson's P.O.V.*

*a month later*

Only a month passed from that night. Ethan is always in their room. He only leave it for classes. He doesn't wanna hang out, he doesn't wanna do anything. He's distant. Cold. All that he does everyday is crying, punching something and shouting against a pillow. He's empty, broke. I wish I could help him somehow. I can't even imagine what he's going through.

*Ethan's P.O.V.*

Everything seemed to be back to normal. No one is caring about her anymore. Like she never existed. Like that never happened. And the worst thing is that next year I'll have to share our room with another guy. That room that used to be ours, the one I shared with her.

*three years later*

Three years have been passed. Three. I still miss her so much. She should be with me now. We should have finished college together, get a house, a family. I know she's still with me somehow and I'll always love her. Grayson, Olivia, Archie and I finally finished college today and we will start a new chapter of our lives.

I know mine will be great because there's my girl protecting me.

A.N.: so this is the end (: I hope you liked it as much as I did. I'm already working on another story that would be completely different from the other two, but of course still about Ethan. Again thank you so much for all the votes, comments and views, you can't understand how much that means to me. I love you and hope you'll have an amazing day/night ❤️

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