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Madison's POV:
It was finally the end of Monday and it's been the best day.

I've talked to all my friends that I haven't seen in years. Obviously the twins+Layla. But also my friends Brandon and Lauren.

I've made a few new friends which was cool and I'm in such a happy place right now.

Tonight Layla is coming over for food and a movie marathon with me. We need to catch up on so much. I mean everything!!

Right now I'm in my lounge with Layla and we're half way through watching the breakfast club and eating our favourite ice cream.

'So how was your first day back' she smiled with her pearls. 'It was better than I thought, I'm so happy to see everyone again' she nodded.

'I didn't really expect the twins to be so-' I said she cut me off. 'Hot'.
'Yeah but-'
'That aswell but also-'
'Layla I swear if you cut over me again' then we both burst out into laughter.

'Okay sorry, speak' then it went real silent. 'I don't know, like bad boy I guess' she coughed almost chocking. 'Are you fucking serious? Of course they are, they're like the bad boys of the school and kind of players' I frowned at the last part.

Thinking that the two boys I've known for half of my life would have turned to be fuckboys is disappointing.

'Well Ethan is, Grayson not so much' she confesses. 'What do you mean?' I ask. 'Well with Ethan he's had tons of 'girls' but Grayson on the other hand has only had like 2 girlfriends'
'What?' She says slightly blushing. And that's when I realised that Layla likes Gray. 'Omg no way, you like Gray don't you'
'Well-' I roll my eyes so far they could have stayed at the back of my head. 'Were kind of already together, just not official' I gasp.

I guess she wanted to tell me in person, I get that.

'Anyway all I'm saying is be careful around Ethan' I furrow my brow.

'Like don't get too touchy with him other wise you'll fall for his player charm' I laughed. 'I wouldn't fall for Ethan, he's my bestfriend.. very hot best friend' she looks at me in surprise. 'Mad's...'
'What he is' then we finish the movie.

|a few days after at school|(sorry if you don't like these time skips)

Friday,my favourite lessons. Art&Design for two hours then I have a free period, then finally English and another free:))

I was with the twins and my friend Lauren for most of the day since Layla is a smart girl and does the cool subjects.

It was my last period which is free and Ethan and I were the only ones that had free so we went to the outside benches and sat for awhile.

'We should all do something on the weekend if you and Gray are not up to something dumb' I said he smirked. 'Hey driving round some illegal car park is not dumb'
'Sorry, I meant stupid and dangerous' I laughed out.

'Anyway, were actually going to my friends party tonight, you should come with us' I nodded. 'Who's is it?' I ask. 'Our friend Gabe, he's actually in this school but he ditches all the time'
'Okay I'll go, what's the dress code?' I ask staring at him. 'Ethan, Ethan!' He was staring DOWN at me. 'E my face is up here you dick' he chuckled to himself.

'Just wear something hot okay that's all you need, you don't even have to try' he said smirking again. Is he flirting with me? Ugh. I guess Layla was right.

When I reached my house I decided to text Layla:
Me: we're going to a party tonight btw
                             Layla: wait, what? Who's?
Me: this Gabe kid from our school, you can drive, I'm having a drink
                                Layla: ugh fine whatever

I decided on wearing my tight black cropped top, jean shorts, camo bomber and my knee high boots/heels.(Photo above)

I looked in the mirror after I fishnet my hair and makeup. Damn I be looking good.

'Mad's, Layla and Lauren are here' I hear the familiar voice of my dad coming from downstairs.

I grab my small black bag along with my phone and money and headed down.

'Have fun, but don't do anything dangerous darling' he says I nod. 'I'm staying over Layla's after it aswell, so I'll see you sometime tomorrow' I say then head out the big white door.

|at Gabe's house|
I have to admit I've had a couple of drinks but I'm not drunk.

Right now Layla ,Lauren and I are dancing and whatever in the main room of this boy's house. That reminds me.

I haven't even seen him yet.

As BlackBear's song finished, Ethan came over to us and started to talk to us.

Ethan's POV:
The girls look really good.

I can already tell that Mad's is drunk, but she's not a bad person when she's drunk so it's fine.

'I'm going to find Gray, I'll see you both later' then Layla leaves.

'Yo dude, is that Gabe?' Madison asks holding her red solo cup. I nod and her eyes widen.

'Woah, he's kinda cute' then she starts laughing.

All through the night I haven't drunk anything and well Mad's... yeah she has.

It's about 11:20 pm and Madison and I are dancing to G.O.A.T by Eric Berlinger (good song btw)

The chorus comes up and she puts her drink down grabbing my hands and placing them on her tiny waist.

She starts to play with my hair and smirking at me seductively. I haven't been this confused since my math exam in 10th grade.

'You look hot tonight E' she winks. What the hell is happening.

She's making me frustrated and she looks so good so I can't help myself.

We both crash our lips together closing the gab between us and I bite her lip. I notice that she smiles into the makeout.

Ugh this girl.

She pulls away blushing but she's confident at the same time. How.

'Okay what was that?' I ask and we both laugh. 'I don't know E okay I'm tired' then we walk to go find Layla so she can take her home...
Is this a start to something ? Or will she fall for E's player attitude

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