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Madison's POV:
It's Wednesday aka the day of Brandon's 18th birthday. I can't believe he's eitghteen the same as me next week.

"Come ooooon, you have to come tonight" I whine towards Cindy as I was now drying my hair with my towel.

"I doubt your bestfriend is going to want me at his house for his birthday, he hardly knows me" she says and I roll my eyes.

I grab her arm and basically drag her into my bathroom. "He won't mind, there's about 60 people going anyway" as I say that her eyes go wide.

"Plus all my friends seem to like you" I say passing her a towel. "Except Ethan" she mumbles and I give her a look. "What it's true" she says laughing, but I could tell it bothered her.

"Ethan likes you" I say awkwardly. "You know you're lying Mad's" she says and I try to come back with something but I couldn't.

"Well he doesn't hate you, he has no reason to. You guys just haven't really talked that's it" I said. And that's the truth, I guess Ethan just doesn't really care about having new friends.

I tell her to get ready other wise I'd leave without her and that's when she pushes me out of my restroom.

I pulled out my pink straighteners from my white makeup desk and plug it in. Once it began heating up and the button turned a red colour I hear a rightone coming from my phone.

I slide the green button across, eager to know what he wants to talk about.

"Hey baby" I say into the phone. "Hi gorgeous, I was just calling to know what time I can pick you up?" I smile at the name he gave me.

"How about eight?" I ask and I hear him reply with a "perfect". I told I'll see him soon and that I love him then hang up.

Right as I finished my hair, Cindy walks out in her towel. "Ethan's picking us up at Eight, along with Lauren since she doesn't have a ride" I say and she nods.

I really wish Ethan and Cindy got along, or liked each other.
"Cind, are you ready?" I shout from my lounge while putting my heels on. And that's when she walks out of my room.

"You look so cute" I say and she twirls. She was wearing a black crop top and paired it with a red skirt. "So do you! Ethan's gonna go crazy" she says the last part laughing. Causing me to then laugh.

"I try my best" I say, I was wearing a black polo with some high waisted jean shorts and I had my knee high boots

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"I try my best" I say, I was wearing a black polo with some high waisted jean shorts and I had my knee high boots.

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