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Madison's POV;
I woke up the next day in my bed, wondering if she's finally left. No matter how many times I'd think about our memories of those four years, I could probably never forgive her.

She's been so selfish. She's been so two faced. She's been so fake. My worst fear is Ethan cheating on me, I can't imagine what he feels like right now.

I miss him, I know we haven't split up. But he's still mad, I just hope he knows that I was honest, I'll always be honest with him.

I decide to shower to wake myself up more, especially if I have to do some work online today I need to feel awake.

Before I grabbed some clean clothes I went into the spare room of my apartment, she's in deed gone. Gone back to Australia. Thankfully.
I've been doing work all day, and just trying to sort myself out. I'm wearing some short shorts, along with one of Ethan's hoodies which was a bad idea because it just made me miss him even more.

I know I couldn't call him or text him or even go see him right now because he was working. Him and Gray both work at their dad's business, a gym. No wonder they are so well body built.

They also do some small modelling gigs I guess you could call it. It's really fun.

I decide to put my hair in some messy cute ponytail and put on some light makeup, just in case I was to go somewhere. Not too much though.

Ethan said he usually finishes at the gym around 7:30, hopefully he'll visit soon after that. I texted him anyway, knowing he might ignore me pains me.

I know you're at work rn, but I just wanna talk again. Cindy's gone back home and I was thinking we could talk about what happened, see you x

And with that I left my phone on the side table in my lounge.

To get my mind of things I decided to watch something on the tv, until Ethan came over. I had nothing else to do.

I clicked on the play button on Netflix for Stranger things, since I needed to catch up anyway.
I guess he wasn't coming to see me, guess he was still mad at me. For something I haven't done.

But I guess these days you can't trust or believe anyone.

I was about to go to my bedroom until here's a knock at the door. My eyes widen because of excitement and I rush quickly to my door. Hoping it's who I've been waiting for.

I open the cream colored door and there he stands. Looking at me and what I thought would never happen is that I see him crack a soft smile.

I couldn't help but put my arms around him and being him into the tightest hug. "You actually came" I say, mumbling.

I feel his hands go to waist holding me. "Of course I did".

For half an hour we sat on my couch reminiscing everything that happened.

"I thought you wasn't coming E" I say, sadly. He grabs my hand making me look at him. "Why wouldn't I?" He asks and I just shrug.

I look at his eyes, they seem tired, or fed up, I can't tell. "I know we didn't break up, but I missed you" he says and I smile.

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