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Madison's POV:
It's been a few days since mine and Ethan's insident at school.

All day I kept thinking about the things he done and said.

The way he wanted me to look at him, and when he held my face. I still like him. But every time I think of the reality it's like a knife in my heart.

I just have to remember that I got myself into this mess, and now Alyssa got what she wanted. Ethan. And me being heartbroken.

Yesterday I caught Alyssa and Ethan talking in the halls. Extremely close. Obviously jealousy rushed through me as I saw that, but what can I do ?

She's been acting way too fake and nice to me. During cheer she's always giving me the good parts but I can't help but feel like she's hiding something behind it all.

Today is Friday, and there's a party at Gabe Thomas' house. I've only ever been to one of his party's but apparently they are bomb as fuck. So I'm going. I'm pretty sure I was only invited because he thinks I'm hot. But I'm not gonna go there with him. Even if I didn't still like Ethan, I don't want to get close to anyone else right now.

But since Layla, Grayson, Lauren and Brandon told me I needed to 'let loose' after staying in my house for a week I finally agreed to go. Even if Ethan will be there.
I got ready which consisted of me showering, straightening my hair, doing my makeup and changing.

I wore my blue ripped jeans with my black fishnets underneath. I then paired them with a black crop top, a thin bomber and my blush pink adidas.

My makeup was like usual but a bit extra with false lashes and a dark lip.

I reach for my phone and head downstairs and I notice my dad on the sofa. I go and sit by him with Tyler on the other chair.

As I waited for Lauren to pick me up I make conversation. Somehow my dad brings up Ethan into the conversation and my stomach turns. I still like him, just by the mention of his name makes me feel a certain way.

'So is he going tonight?' He asks. 'Ugh he-yeah I think so' I say trembling. I look over to Tyler who's giving me a weird look. 'You okay' he mouths to me I just nod and tell him I'll see him later.

'The girls are outside, I'll see you soon dad, have a nice shift at the hospital' I say as I blow him a kiss.

They both say goodbye before I walk out my big black door. I see the girls and they look drop dead gorgeous, as per usual.

I go to open the back door before I see Grayson also sitting in the car. I hop in the front of the silver car sitting by Lauren who's driving.

'Hey girls, hi gray' I say plugging my belt into its socket. The girls greet me and gay nods. 'I didn't know we were taking you aswell' I say looking around at Gray, who is sat by Layla.

'Oh yeah I needed a lift, last minute'he says and I look at him confused. 'What about your brother or Brandon?' I ask him not wanting to say Ethan's name. 'Well Brandon was going to go later since he's working and well Ethan..' he says trailing off.

'Just tell her Grayson, she'd rather you be honest' Layla says and I look at her then back at Grayson.

"Ethan went to pick Alyssa up, I didn't want to be in the same car as that bitch" I roll my eyes at what I heard. Of course he'd be with her, out of all the people. Great, here comes the jealousy from Madison Palmer.

'Oh right' is all I can say and I turn back around to face the front of the moving vehicle.

It's gone 10 now and I still haven't seen Ethan all night. I wasn't looking for him, I didn't even want to see him. Especially with her. But I just found it weird that we're in the same house but not seen him.

I was talking to Gabe right now in his kitchen. I've never really spoke to this guy before because I thought he was some douchbag who only wanted girls to get in their pants. But he's actually really funny.

'So you moved here from Aussie?' He asks taking a sip from his drink. "Uh yeah, I used to live here but I moved to Australia four years ago, I came back 3 months ago" I say smiling.

"Yeah, it's a bummer that we're not in any classes together" he says smirking. "How come?" I ask.

"Because Madison you're actually really nice and super hot" he says and we both laugh. He's definitely flirting, but I'm not going to let my guard down too soon.

After making conversation I'm suddenly being pulled by my arm by someone.

I look to my side and see Layla tugging on me. "Hey lay, what's up?" I ask. She's just smiling widely and looks at me then to have and her expression drops.

"Lay" I say to stop her from staring. "Oh y-yeah, sorry uh-Uh our favourite song is on" she says starting to drag me to the biggest room in the house.

"But I don't even like this so-"
"Yes you do you dummy" she says quickly and taking me away from Gabe. I shout a goodbye over the loud music and then head to the room with Lay.

We are met with Lauren and Brandon and they are talking about something but they are tipsy so I don't bother asking.

"Where's Gray?" I ask Layla since she's always with him. She ignores my question and says "most importantly, why were you talking to Gabe?".

I give her a confused look. "Why shouldn't I?" I ask laughing and she rolls her eyes.

"He's bad news Mad's" she replies and I furrow my dark brows. "What do you mean by-" we get cut off my Grayson.

"Hi baby" he says wrapping his arms around my best friends waist. She mouths to be 'I'll explain later' then kisses Grayson arm.

I shrug my shoulders and just remember to ask her later. She confuses me allot.

As the song is changing I take another sip from my red cup and look to the back of the room.

My heart sinks.

"No fucking way" I say. What is in front of me is Ethan and Alyssa.

But not just Ethan and Alyssa... it's Alyssa pinned against the wall while Ethan's lips are attached to hers.

I couldn't not watch them as his hands are roaming her body and hurt hands lay on his neck.

"Madison what is it?" Brandon and Lauren ask at the same time, forcing me to finally look away from what was in front of me.

"Them" I say. They turn around and their jaws dropped. Layla and Grayson joined the conversation by saying "what is going on with him lately?".

I shrug my shoulders and walk away fast. I was upset and mad. Even if I did see it coming.

I disappear into the kitchen once again. Finding the drinks. I wanted to get drunk and hopefully forget about

I take two shots and then I'm distracted by someone nudging my shoulder.

I turn around and I'm met with Gabe. "Oh hey Gabe" I say after gulping down the last bit of my vodka.

"What happened to you" he says. "Nothing , I'm perfectly fine" I lied. I was a mess.

We're both cut off by Layla and Grayson finding me. "Mad's what the hell are doing, you never drink that much" Layla says as I'm pouring another random liquid into my cup. I just shrug my shoulders.

"And why are you talking to this asshole again?" She says and I almost choke on my drink at how upfront she is.

"Lay calm down" Grayson says. "No im just trying to pretext her" she says pulling on my arm to go with her.

"No Lay I'll stay here with Gabe, I'll be fine just go do something with Gray" I say, not even understanding what I'm actually saying.

I'm probably gonna regret this.

A/N: this book is getting so many more reads everyone I check, thank youuu, what do you think about this chapter? Pls comment💓

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