60{the end}

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madison's pov;

i wake up.warm arms draped around my small and dainty waist.both of us only in our underwear,covered by the bed sheets.

i'll definitely miss this.him.

my finger tips find his strong arms and trace circles and patterns from his hand to the top part of his arm.

he hums and says in his raspy morning voice a "you're awake?" And I nod in reply.

i turn my body, his beautiful face looking at mine and I just smile, pecking his lips softly.

"what time do you have to leave?" I ask and he grabs his phone, his eyes widening.

"shit" he mumbles and I sigh.

"my flight leaves at 1 noon, it's almost 10" he sighs, we've only got 3 more hours.

"hey it's fine, we've got now okay" I whisper to him and he looks at me sad.

"i love you so much Ethan" I say, he gives me a small kiss on my forehead as I lay my head on his chest.

"i love you so much more"


my arm is attaches to ethan's as he drags his navy coloured case in the cold chilly airport,I'm holding onto his left and I slightly lay my small head on his upper arm.

once we reach the location to say our goodbyes I try to hide the frown on my face as I let ethan say his goodbyes to everyone.

lisa,sean and the rest of the twins' family said their goodbyes back the house an hour ago, it was hard enough watching Ethan being separated from his parents, since I know how much they mean to him.

I don't know how I'm going to handle saying goodbye to him myself.

"love you three so much, don't do anything dumb when I'm gone, even though I know it's hard for you not to get in trouble lauren" Ethan teases as he hugs layla, lauren and brandon for one last time.

"I'll miss you bro, have fun though bud" brandon replies as they do the oh so familiar 'boy handshake'.

ethan gives the girls two more hugs before turning to Grayson and giving him-what I assume- the longest hug ever.

"love you man, please take care of mom and dad, and your girl" ethan says now letting go, pointing at layla who is stood next his brother.

"call me whenever you need me, I'll be there" grayson says making me smile weakly, knowing it's almost my turn to see Ethan.

after two more minutes of them talking, the rest of my friends decide to head back to brandon's car to let me and ethan have one final talk together.

he turns to me and as soon as my green eyes meet his hazel ones, the waterworks start.

"I'm gonna miss you so much" I say as he cradles me in his sting masculine arms.

"we'll be okay baby, stop worrying, I love you" he says the last three words pulling away and wiping away the tears on my cheeks.

"I've actually got you something" he says, pulling out a white box from his carry on he has on his back.

My eyes travel to the box in his hand and smile laughing.

"what did you do this time e" I say as he hands me the box.

I open the pearly white box, revealing what seemed like a beautiful silver necklace inside.

the letter that hung off the end was.


"This is so beautiful Ethan, I love it, I love you" I say.

Ethan places the silver jewellery around my neck then turns me back around.

"beautiful like always" he whispers kissing my forehead.

"have fun okay?" I ask and he nods.

I bring my favourite tall, handsome boy down so our soft lips meet.

I savour the moment as our lips lock and it's filled with nothing but passion.

He pulls away and smiles at me, me now wiping his salty tears on his precious face.

as we hug I ask him one more question.

"don't forget about me,us please?"

"i promise"

guys that's the end, I'm so so so grateful for all of your love for this book and I can't thank you all enough for reading and staying throughout this whole amazing experience.

I'll keep you all updated on a sequel and I'll tell you when it's uploaded, tysm you all mean so much to me.

what do u all think about the end?


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