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Madison's POV:
Walking back to his house was so calming.

No cars were around us. No other people were around us. Just him and I. I could get used to this.

We reach the familiar house that is basically my second home and open the door. 'Grayson is here but my parents are on a business trip" Ethan says guiding me through the door. I nod my head and head to his lounge room.

When we both walk in I'm welcomed by Grayson and Layla making out on their couch.

"What a lovely way to come home" Ethan says soon getting their attention. It was silent for a second until we all burst out into laughter.

"I didn't know you were coming over?" Layla says to me. "I could say the same to you" I replied and Grayson makes a 'good point' face.

"We're actually half way through watching a movie if you wanna join" Grayson says and I look at Ethan who has the same expression on his face as me.

"I think I'll pass,Star Wars isn't really my thing" I say and Ethan laughs. "Plus I'm sure we all know that you two won't actually be watching the movie" Ethan says wiggling his eyebrows at the couple.

Layla flips him off before i tell them that I'll see them in the morning while me and Ethan head to his room.

As soon as we reach his dimmed light room I collapse on his bed. "Hey don't fall asleep without me cuddling you first" Ethan says and I sit back up.

"I need to pee" I say while going to his restroom and before the door closes he throws one of his tops at me, along with Cam's shorts. The usual.

"Since I know you'll ask" he says. I roll my eyes and close the door.
After taking off my makeup and changing I head into his room again plugging my phone to charge since it's almost dead.

As I reach the bed I see a shirtless Ethan taking up the whole space. "Move mister" I say and poking his sides causing him to finally move.

We lay by each other and in the corner of my eye I notice him staring at me. "What?" I say blushing and turning to him.

"I'm just admiring your beauty" he replies tucking a strand of my dark locks behind my ear. I smile and kiss his hand.

"Why do you do this to me?" I ask and he looks confused. Scared of what I'm saying. "D-do what?" He says worried and I giggle.

"Make me feel like the luckiest person, like no one else exist. Ethan, I'm falling in love with you too. More than you know" I say finally letting it all pour out. But as soon as I finished my sentence the worried expression fades and he smiles.

Without saying anything his face comes closer to mine and our lips meet. The best feeling I get. Sparks.

I melt into the kiss and it depends. Turning into a make out. He hums into the kiss as his hands slide from my face down my body onto my waist. Pulling me closer to his bare chest.

My hands travel to his face for support while we kiss. We both pull away after -0 seconds and he smirks while I smile.

He leans back down attaching his soft lips to my bare skin on my neck. He knows what that does to me.

Ethan kisses me softly before sucking on my skin harder, leaving a trail of love marks down my neck.

I grip his shoulders and bite my lip to stop me from groaning from the sweet sensation this boy is giving me. But I give in.

"Baby" I slightly moan as now his body is hovered over mine and his grip on my waist is stronger. I feel him smirk onto my neck and gives me one final kiss on the skin.

He lifts his head up and comes closer to my ear. "Do you like that baby?" He says huskily and I feel his big hands reach under me to grab my bum. Causing me to nod and let out a hum.

I open my eyes to see his face is back opposite mine, still on top of me. I smile and bring the beautiful face to mine and kiss passionately again.

My hands trail down his toned abs causing Ethan to shiver and I smile into the kiss knowing the effect I have on him. I then pull way from the kiss.

I roll us over so I am now on top of him straddling his waist. "Mad's what are you-" I cut him off by placing my finger on his mouth and start sucking on his neck. Like he done to me.

Instead of leaving a mark on his neck I move down to his chest and leave 3 hickeys on the tanned skin. I come back up to see a Pleases look on his face.

I wipe it off by attached our lips again. And his grip on my ass tightens. I mumble into the kiss "E, w-we're not g-gonna" and he pulls away.

"We have plenty of time for that princess, I don't want to rush into things" he says making me blush by the nickname. I peck his plump lips one more time before plopping my tired body next to his.

He yawns which causes me to do the same. "Lets sleep" he says and I agree. Curling up to his warm body I feel a kiss being planted on the top of my head. "Goodnight beautiful".

I'm not re reading this so sorry bout the spelling mistakes and if it sucks

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