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Madison's POV:
Why did I ever go through with this? I'm so stupid, I can't believe I let my guard down so low to believe he actually had feelings for me.

I'm such an idiot

I lay in bed looking at my white coloured ceiling debating on if I go to school today.

No. Is what I keep repeating in my head, I can't go through the embarrassment of seeing Ethan or Alyssa.

I close my eyes but they re open as my phone ringtone goes off.

I look at the caller ID and see it says 'Layla💫' I swipe across and answer with my ugly morning voice.

'Hey Lay'
'Wow, what's up with your voice? Have you only just woke up?'
'Yup' I reply. 'Urm, school starts in 30 minutes, what do you mean you only just got up?' She says, blasting through the speakers of my phone. 'I'm not going in I'm ill-'
'Don't you dare lie to me Mad's, if it's about Ethan just tell me' I roll my eyes but admit it in the end. Layla tells me she'll be over as soon as possible to get my ugly ass out of my bed and look decent for school. I give in and get out of bed and brush my teeth.

I soon hear my dad speaking to someone and he tells them that I'm in my room.


She basically runs into my room and grabbing me, sitting me down on my makeup table stool.

'Okay you need to look real cute' she says beginning to brush my hair. 'Why' I whine. 'To show Ethan what he's missing duh' she says I roll my emerald eyes but let her carry on to do her thing.

After 20 minutes of doing my hair and beating my face she's finally done.

She done some makeup with a pink shadow and eyeliner and straightened my hair. I got dressed into my black ripped jeans, black tank top and a grey sweater and some Nike shoes.

|At school|
I walk down the dead looking halls on the way to finding Layla's locker. We both have English. We grab the stuff we need and head to room 12.

On the way I see Alyssa and her group of hoes. I try to quicken my pace before she sees me but before I know it she's already all up in my face.

'Mad's you look really pretty today' she blurts out. Wtf is happening. I look at Layla confused and she shrugs.

'Where'd you get your top from? Sluts are us?' She fake smiles. Oh my she's so funny. Iknew there had to be a catch. 'Sorry babe, I don't speak to fake bitches' I say before going to turn back around. Then she grabs my arm.

Ethan's POV:
Gray and myself were on our way to class until Grayson stops me in my tracks.

'Yo dude is that Mad's?' He asks pointing to the far end of the corridor.

I look over and there she is. She looks so damn good in those jeans. But I can't help but notice that Alyssa is talking bad to her.

I start to walk over quickening my pace, 'E where are you going' I hear Grayson say I just ignore him.

I reach the group of girls and see that Alyssa's hand is grabbing Madison's arm. 'What's going on?' I ask.

'Like you would care' Madison says taking Alyssa's badly tanned hand off her arm. 'It's just Alyssa being a little bit-'
'Watch your mouth slut' Alyssa spits at her. 'Stop calling her that' I say going towards her a bit.

'Ethan baby, we all know she is. I mean look at her, we all know what she done' she says and I see Madison look at me confused.

'And what does everyone know that I've done?' She asks. Alyssa laughs. She goes up to Mad's face and says. 'You getting in Ethan's pants just to make me jealous' I see the expression on her face.

Madison's POV:
I can't believe what I'm hearing. Ethan actually told her that it was fake? Even after I admitted my feelings towards him.

I look at Ethan is disbelief and feel my heart drop. 'And I thought we were friends Ethan' is all I can say and I go to walk away.

'Mad's where are you going?' I hear Ethan say. I just block his voice out and walk away out the front doors. I needed fresh air.

I texted Layla and Lauren to tell the teacher I felt sick.

After two minutes of sitting on the outside bench peacefully. I hear the doors behind me open and shut.

I look behind me and see Ethan. He goes to say something before I roll my eyes and stand up. I don't want to hear his excuses.

'Mad's please don't' he says. I stop in my tracks and turn around to face him with a non pleased face. 'What do you want Ethan' I say crossing my arms over my chest.

'Please don't be angry at me Madison' he says calmly grabbing my arm gently but I yank it away.

'It's too late for that' I say, looking away so he doesn't see my face. 'Hey look at me, don't hide your face' he says turning my head back around with his hand still laying on my right cheek.

I look at his beautiful eyes, before reaching for his hand and taking it away from my face.

'No' I say. 'No what?' He says confused.

'Don't do that to me' he looks puzzled at what I said. 'Don't be all nice with me. Don't give me the same look you gave me a few weeks ago. And don't touch me like you did the night we-'

'Kissed' he says cutting over me.

'Uh yeah' I say awkwardly, remembering that he probably didn't mean what he said that night.

Ethan's POV:
I hope she knows what I said that night was my honesty.she doesn't deserve to be lied to, but it's for her own good.

'That night Madison' I begin before she cuts over me like I did to her. 'Yeah you don't have to tell me twice, I know you only felt sorry for me that night' she says looking down.

It pains me to know she thinks of me like that.

I did mean it though. I like her. I'm falling in love with her. But it's been taken away from us just because of one girl and one situation.

I want to tell her. But I know I can't. It would all come back to her and she would get hurt again.

Before I could say another word she turns around and walks away. 'I'll see you round' is the last thing she said...

A/n: hey I hate school so much lately ugh, sorry for not uploading xx

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