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Madison's POV:
We reached his dark bedroom but he soon turned the lights on a bit so we could get changed into some comfy's.

'You need to borrow something don't you?' He asks looking through his white dresser.

'Uh yeah, I only brought my shorts' I replied then he throws me his purple top.

I took my dress off placing my shorts on my booty not caring that Ethan was there.

Ethan's POV:
I turn around from taking my shirt off and I see Madison's back to me. She only had some cute socks, booty shorts and her pink bra on.. she has a beautiful body.

She turns back around after she puts my shirt on and she catches me staring.

'Looking for something?' She teases me. 'N-no' why am I stuttering. I could do better than this.

I see her jumping into the right side of my bed and patting the left side for me to lay next to her.

I was only wearing black sweats and no shirt. After I got under the covers with her she speaks.

'Can we watch a movie? They always help me fall asleep E' I nod and then turn my Netflix on.

We decide to watch white chicks since I know that is her favourite one.

In the time of 20 minutes I soon realise that Mad's had fallen asleep on me. She looks so gorgeous.

'Goodnight beautiful' was the words to escape my lips and I placed a light kiss on her forehead before cuddling up to her and wrapping my arms around her.

Madison's POV:
'Goodnight beautiful' it made me blush but I don't know why. I don't like him, this is just some stupid little game of his, to make ALYSSA jealous.

I don't even know why he cares anymore but I guess that's how he feels.

He thought I was asleep though when he said that, what if he actually thinks I'm beautiful.

|the next morning|
I wake up still wrapped in his arms.

Something about always being around him makes me feel safe in a way. I soon feel him moving.. he's awake.

'You awake?' Ethan asks in his morning voice. 'Mhm' I reply and turn to face him.

'We should do something fun today, since school is tomorrow' I pout. He nods.

'What about the beach? We could all go' I say and his eyes light up.. I know how much he loves his favourite beach. We always used to go together as kids.

|at the beach|
I already told my dad that I would be back later and he was cool with it.

Him and Tyler were visiting my uncle and aunt in a different town for a couple days anyway.

I get pulled out of my thoughts once Ethan comes rushing up to me and picking me up.

'Ethan what the fuck?!' I shout laughing the same time. He starts to run and I already know what he's doing.

The little bitch.

We reach the sea and I start to squeal. 'Ethan if you don't put me down I'll-'
'Okay' he shouts and throws me in the sea.

I was now soaked.

I got back up to breathe and I look up at him and he's laughing so much that he doesn't notice me standing back up to pull him down with me.

He gets back up just like I did.

'You bitch' he says laughing. I pretended to take offence then we both laughed it off.

|1 hour later|
Ethan's POV:
Madison, Layla and Lauren were taking 'tumblr' pictures together because they're basic as fuck while me and the boys were doing some football.

I glance over to the girls and I see Mad's posing for a photo facing the other way.

I don't know what it is about her but she's so beautiful, but I can't think of her like that, she only knows me as the player and that's who I am.

I started this off fake because I wanted to make Alyssa jealous.

I don't even care about her anymore.

Grayson drove the rest home so I decided I would take Madison back to her house since it was already 7:30pm.

Let me put some music on?' She asks. I nod and she plugs her phone in blasting out 'No option' by Post Malone.

'Baby wanna get in this S-Class,Little mama, she just wanna go fast' she sings and dances slightly.

She starts to giggle as I give her a weird look. 'You're being real cute' I say. Why did I say that.

She rolls her eyes at me. 'Stop it you fudge boy' she says turning the music up louder.

'Yeah but you love this fudge boy Mad's' I say and she just shrugs.

Madison's POV:
I get home just before 8 and remembering that my family wasn't home.

I walk towards my pink and grey bedroom after locking the font door to find a letter.

As you know me and your brother have left to visit aunt Lucy and Uncle David this week, turns out we're staying till Friday so stay safe and I'll call you

Xx Dad

I fold the white paper back up and flipping on my bed. I decide to change into some sweats for bed but the problem is I hated being home alone.

So I texted Layla to come over. Of course she wouldn't say no...

I'm sorry for not updating in a few days I've been busy with school work and all that,
Q: should I make my chapters longer? Xx

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