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Madison's POV:
'I haven't spoke to you most of the day, you and Ethan have been together all day' Layla says as we sit on my grey coloured bed with Lauren.'Well about that..' I trail off.

Ethan and I agreed that our little secret couldn't just be kept between us both. So we agreed that we would tell Gray,Layla, Lauren and Brandon.

'I kind of need to tell you both something' I confess. 'Okay what is it?' They both ask looking at me straight in the eye.

'Well first of all Ethan and I have kissed once or twice-' I then get cut off by Layla.
'Mad's I told you to not go there with Etha-'
'Let me finish' I laugh. 'Well I was sticking up for Ethan because his psycho ex was treating him like trash so I pretended to be his new girlfriend' I say.

'And...?' Lauren asks motioning her hand to tell me more. 'Well we just went along with it but now he wants me to make Alyssa jealous by being his 'girlfriend' for a couple weeks'

'And you went along with it?' Layla asks. 'Uh yeah'
'You're actually crazy, no one would dare do that, not even Lauren, and we know what she's like' we all burst out into laughter since we know that Lauren changes her mind on who her crush is every 24 hours.

'Well he's my bestfriend, nothing bad will happen' they laugh and roll their eyes. 'Just don't fall for the player that he is'
'I won't, I've known his since we was 10 anyway'.

|the next day at school|
I was walking through the halls until I saw the twins and Layla. 'Hey guys' and they all wave back.

'Okay Gray and I are heading to get food from the cafeteria, we'll see you in five' then she gives him a kiss on the cheek.

'So do we have to act like a couple around her then?'
'Yeah but not just around her, you know how fast news spreads, we have to act couply around everyone' he explains and I nod.

We were about to walk to meet the rest until I hear my name.. ugh Alyssa.

'Yeah that's the bitch that's going after my sloppy seconds' how childish. I just roll my eyes and Ethan notices.

'Hey let's just make her even more jealous by you kissing her sloppy seconds' he says grabbing my face and closes the gab in between us. I smile in the kiss because I know how much Alyssa is hating this right now.

I pull away, grabbing his hand and intertwining our hands.

These next few weeks are gonna be fun.

As I reach home I go upstairs and finish some shitty homework.

I suddenly hear my phone blowing up with notifications.

@AlyssaaaHarris: sluts will take your man in less than 48 hours..
@AlyssaaaHarris: she seriously needs to get her head fixed if she thinks Ethan won't come running back to me.
Reply to @AlyssaaaHarris:
@Layla_Adamsx: may aswell @/her next time babe, you're so childish..

I'm just glad that my best friend sticks up for me twenty four seven. The tweets weren't making me upset but kind of mad at her.

@Madison_xp: idk how people can be so childish, you're so funny xoxo
I felt so proud of that tweet, especially since Ethan liked, retweeted and replied to it: @EthanDolan: tell me about it

Then she finally deleted her tweets because she knew she lost.

And with that said, Tyler comes barging into my room. 'Yo what's all this on twitter about?' He asks, I just shrug. 'It doesn't matter, and I thought I was the only one home?'
'No Dad, and I just picked up takeout and he asked me to come get you' I nod and stand up to go downstairs.

'Urm you're not getting away with it that easy'
'With what' I laugh. 'You usually tell me everything Mad's come on' I rolled my eyes because I know he's right.

I didn't exactly tell him the truth this time around. I just said that Ethan and I kissed a few times and that she wanted to cause drama. He seemed to believe me so I went along with it.

Today was the day of Ethan's football game and I was pretty excited since I was also doing the cheerleading before the game.

I got to the girls locker room wearing my black and green cheer outfit. 'I'm so excited for this Laur, I haven't done a performance in 4 years' I squeal and she high fives me.

'It's a bummer that Alyssa is the captain though, she's so fake' I nod in agreement.

As on que the waddles in. Flicking her hair.

'Oh look who it is, if it isn't the schools new slut' I roll my eyes. 'I know right, somehow you're always talking about yourself' I say fake pouting. Lauren chuckles behind me.

'You better watch it bitch, I could get you kicked off this squad in a split second' she says pushing me slightly. 'Okay sorry I'm scared now' I say sarcastically.

I grab Lauren's hand pushing past Alyssa and her two fake friends Liv and Jodie.

We walk out the doors and I bump into Ethan, Grayson and Brandon.

'Oh sorry, good luck today guys I'll be rooting for you' I say and Ethan hugs me. 'And you gorgeous' he whispers in my ear and I blush.

Why am I blushing. Wtf.

As I let go Alyssa walks out with her friends. 'Good luck boys, have fun' she says biting her lip. She makes me cringe on a daily basis. Ethan nods while Gray and Brandon just say 'you too' awkwardly.

I can tel Ethan still likes Alyssa, I don't know why he does but hey they're both players anyway.

We all walk out together and I give Ethan a kiss on the cheek making sure the bitch notices.

As we all reach the big green field I can see on the bleachers that there's tons of people.

There's still 10 minutes until we have to perform so we decide to practice one last time.

We all get in our places and the music starts to play.

Our choreography was to the song 'Dj turn it up' (Riverdale reference ik)

It got to the pre chorus where I done a mini solo which consists of: 2 kart wheels, a bag flip and a move where Jodie and my friend Mia would catch me.. as I thought anyway.

While I feel back expecting them to catch me, Alyssa pushed Mia out of the way in which I fell straight on my right arm.

'Oh my god Mad's' Lauren says running up to me as fast as she could. 'Okay what the hell is your problem?!' I shouted at Alyssa.

'Oops my bad' she giggles but no one found it funny besides herself.Not even her friends.

Some of the boys saw what happened and rushed towards us. 'Woah are you okay Madison?!' I heard the familiar voice of Ethan speaking as he kneeled next me.

'My arm is killing Eth, I don't know what to do, my ankle is swollen too' I say in pain.

'And here comes the cheer squad' the principal shouts. Fuck. I can't do it.

'Aw guess we'll have to do it without you babe' Alyssa says bending down and patting me on the shoulder I just glare at her in disgust. As they all run off Ethan stays with me.

'Ethan go you have to be ready to compete' I say trying to get up by myself.

'Are you stupid? Come on let me take you' E says then picking me up bridal style and I wrap my arms around his neck.

'I'll take you to Layla, you need to sit and rest, does anything feel broken?' I shake my head side to side.

I glance over to Alyssa before the music starts and I kiss Ethan quick before he puts me down and she's in shock, I guess ber plan backfired on herself.

Karma's a bitch.

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