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Madison's POV:
I wake up with a warm body curled up to me, his arms have a right grin on my body.

I smile at the thought of last night and what happened. I'm so happy we had the same mindset and no one was rushed to do anything.

I'm distracted by my phone buzzing next to me from a text.

From:Dad; hey sweetie I know you're probably over Ethan's, Tyler has a tournament today so we are out all day sorry, see you later love you x
To:Dad; I'll probably make plans then pack later anyway Dad, see u soon x

I place my phone back on the white nightstand when I feel Ethan stir next to me.

I turn around so I'm now facing him and he mumbles something. "What?" I ask and giggle and he smiles, still with his eyes closed. He pulls me closer by the waist and opens his eyes. Now staring at me.

"GoodMorning is what I said" she says and pecks my cheek. I return the gesture and wait for him to wake up properly.

After 3 minutes of me on my social media and him taking his time to wake up he starts to hover over me.

I put my phone back to the side and play with his hair. He ducks his head down to my neck and showers me with soft kisses from my neck up to my jaw.

"Lets do something today" he mumbles into my neck and I smile pulling his head up so I can see him. "Lets" I reply.

He leans down to kiss my lips eagerly but so soft and I hum when I feel his hands hold a grip on mine as we intertwine our fingers together above my head. He pulls away and I say "but I have to get home after noon, I have to pack for tomorrow" I say and he nods getting off me.

I was ready for our lunch date. It didn't take much time because we were going pretty low key today.

I didn't put too much makeup on and I put my hair up in a ponytail. I wore my grey hoodie and paired it with some Nike leggings. Ethan also wore his grey hoodie.

"Are you trying to copy me?" He asks sarcastically as I'm sitting in the floor putting my shoes on. I roll my eyes and he just does something on his phone.

"Lets go" he says and he takes me to the car.

As we're driving I decide to control the music as I played my favourite Miguel album. I checked my social media and saw that Ethan put something on his story of me.

I smiled at the picture and looked over at him and he noticed. "What?" He said smirking and I just reply with a "you're the cutest" and I grab his hand over the middle console.

After 4 songs we finally reached the pizza place. His aunt worked there so we didn't have to worry about not getting seats.

We walked to the door his hand in mine and was soon treated by Miss Dolan.

"Ethan, it's been too long" she says giving him a hug and I just stand there. The blonde haired last sees me and asks Ethan something.

"I see you've finally brought a girl here, are you two together?" And I look at Ethan and he nods. "This is Madison Palmer, my girlfriend" he says rubbing his thumb up and down my hand.

"You seem lovely darling, you are one gorgeous young lady" she says as she takes us to a table.

Me and Ethan are sat at a table for two in the far corner, away from everyone else. My eyes scan the menu but then we both settle on sharing a pineapple pizza.

"And what drinks would you both like?" Ethan's Aunt asks us. I reply with a "orange soda please" and Ethan settles on lemonade.

"I can't believe I'm moving to my new apartment with the girls tomorrow" I say and he nods.

"We're growing up now" he chuckles and I roll my eyes. He was about to say something until we're distracted by my phone making a noise.

"I just got a text from Cindy" I say happy and he smiles at my excitement.

Cindy was my bestfriend back from Australia. I knew she was coming to visit me soon and I've missed her so much.

Hey babe, I can't wait to see you on Monday. Have fun on your date;))
I've missed you these past 5 months. Love u girl can't wait xox

"I hope you and the rest like her, she's really funny" I say. "Hopefully she likes us, and doesn't find us to weird" he laughs and I giggle with him.

We finished our food and we made our way back to his car. "Lets get you home so you can finish packing" he says and I smile.

When we reach my house I notice my dads car in the drive way, meaning he's home.

"Thank you for lunch E, I'll ring you later" I say and stretch over the middle but of his car and kiss his lips. "I'll visit you and the girls at your apartment, I love you" I return the words and head inside.

I'm greeted by my dad engulfing me in his famous hug. "My little girl is growing up, she's got herself a good boyfriend and is moving out tomorrow" he says letting go.

I loved living with my dad, but I know this is what I really want. The city is where I want to be. I'll have my own apartment and on the same floor I'll have my two best friends as my neighbors. And the twins are looking out to get their own house in the next few months. I'm so excited.

I headed to my room and plopped on my bed. I decided to head to Instagram and brag about how I've got the cutest boyfriend.

 I decided to head to Instagram and brag about how I've got the cutest boyfriend

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@madison.palmerrxo: he picks the cutest dates🖤 @ethandolan

As soon as I posted it Ethan texted me.

Babe I love u sm, you don't even understand
I love you more, I'm so lucky. Have a nice rest of the day.xx

And then the rest of the night consisted of me packing my last minute things like my laptop and some clothes. I am going to miss this room.

So ik this chapter is shiiiit, but it's just a gal filler. I've got ideas for the next couple chapters xx

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