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                               Ethan's POV;
I wasn't meeting with Grayson and Layla. The thing about Kenzie being in town was true but I wasn't meeting her until later that week.

But I just lied straight up to my girlfriends face. And I know she doesn't deserve it.

I was actually going to meet Jacob myself. I knew he wasn't a good guy since the start and now I need to confront him. In person.

He contacted me this morning trying to scare me. I laughed when I read the text. He thinks he's so intimidating when really I'm the one who's gonna intimidate him.

                     -earlier that morning-
"Baby I'm just gonna go shower before this meeting" Madison says hopping out of bed and into her on suite.

I was about to call my mom and tell her I'd be home soon until I had an unknown Number text me.

Listen jackass, I know you're no good for Madison and just want her for her body and looks, I don't blame you I'd bang her anyday. But what I'm trying to say is that she needs to be mine, so back off.

Idk who this is, but I'm guessing it's some jealous loser who has no life. Madison is my girlfriend and I find it funny that you think all this stuff about me. Now tell me who you are dumbass

It's Jacob. Yup that's right, the one who you always end up bumping into anywhere you two go. Coincidence huh? Now listen to my words or you'll regret it.

And after I read those words I was shocked. Not shocked by who it was but shocked he thought he could get away with this. No way.

I needed to solve this, and there's no way that Mad's can go to this stupid meeting before I punch-talk to this idiot.

Then Madison comes out of the shower and gets ready. And that's when I lie to her. Tell her I was meeting with Kenzie. Little does she know that Kenzie is also my ex, but I know she'll get defensive and mad on me. That's why I'm not going to be honest.

-end of flashback-

I looked at the time in my car and it read 3:05, and her meeting was at 3:30 gives me plenty of time to deal with this idiot.

I told Jacob to meet me around an a quieter place so I wouldn't cause a scene at bucks.
I got out of my car and walked closer to the location that he said we should meet.

As I'm reaching closer I see a figure and already could tell it was him. Lanky, blonde, but not too tall.

"Ethan" he coughes out after he sees me approach. "Jacob I don't know what your problem is with me being with Mad's is but it's pretty pathetic" I got out and his jaw clenched getting angry.

"Madison wouldn't be happy with you if she let anything happen right?" He asks getting closer and my eyes flicker to his.

"Leave her out of this" I say through gritted teeth. I couldn't get her involved, or know what's about to happen.

"Or what Ethan, what if in the end I do get my way" he laughs. "Imagine true things her and I could do, you out of the picture" he whispers and that when I cousins keep it in me anymore.
                           Madison's POV;
"Where the heck is he?" Chloe says trying to dial Jacob's number. He's usually here 10 minutes early but now he's 10 minutes late.

I try to think of ways to find him and that's when I remember about looking at locations.

So I checked if he had his locations turned on his phone and boy he did. "Chloe look" I say handing her my phone.

"Why is he in the old alley?" She asks giving it to me back. "I have no idea, but let's go find him and then we can bring him back here" I say and she agrees with the idea.

"Let's go" she says grabbing her files and we make our way to her small car.
I was laughing at a joke that Chloe told me in the car about something that happened to her in the line at Starbucks.

"What the heck I can't believe that happened to yo-" and I stop laughing and giggling once Chloe speaks.

"Urm, Madison is that your boyfriend Ethan?" She asks and I turn my head to see two boys throwing punches at each other.

"And that's Jacob too" I shout and I run my way to the boys.

As soon as I reach Ethan I tear him off Jacob. "Ethan what the fuck are doing?!" I shouted at him. I can't believe I'm seeing this right now.

"Madison let go I need to deal with this douchbag" he says through gritted teeth and tries to hit him again.

"Both of you stop, why are you doing this" I start to yell more, drawing both of there attention to me.

I feel tears begin to fill my dark green eyes, I'm not quite sure why but I'm so vulnerable right now.

"Your idiot boyfriend just came here to attack me-" Jacob starts.

"That is not how it happened" Ethan says laughing through the blood coming from under his eye.

"I cannot believe this" Chloe says from behind. "Both of you, you're off the team, forget about any more shoots or meetings" she shouts towards me and Jacob.

My dream job is gone.

I look at Ethan is disbelief as Chloe starts to walk back to her car. "I can't believe you would do this" I say to Ethan and start to walk away, quickening my pace as I hear him shout my name multiple times.

And that's when the tears came streaming.

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