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Madison's POV:
This is definitely my favourite way to wake up. A warm body curled up next to me. Not just any body. But the person who makes me feel like nothing else matters.

I notice soft snores escaping his lips as his arms are snaked around my small waist and his head is led on my chest. I can't help but carefully brush his dark curls out of his face and see him slightly stir.

Today's Tuesday which also means today's the day that my dad and Tyler are back from their football trip in Pennsylvania. I can't wait to see them, I'm nervous as hell to tell them everything that's happened over the past couple days but I need to. They're my family.

I quietly get my body out of the comfy bed trying not to disturb his sleeping and he stirs once again by the loss of contact. So I replace my body with his black pillow and head to his restroom.

I pull my hair into two boxer braids and wash my face to wake me up better. Since it is 7:20 am.

School starts at 8:30 so I better wake him up so he can go. Me on the other hand, I'm not going since I'm picking my brother and dad up from the airport. I'll only miss English and Gym anyway.

I head back to his room only wearing his hoodie and some shorts and he's still asleep. But his position has changed so I'm guessing he's at least half awake.

I crawl over to him and sit on him, straddling his waist. I give him a kiss on the cheek and whisper in his ear "wake up sleepy head" and he hums something while rubbing his eyes starting to wake up.

"Why?" He groans. "Because you have school to go to, even though I wish you had the day off" I say and place my hands on his bare chest. Sending shivers down his body.

"Can't I just skip with you?" He asks playfully while holding a grip on my waist. "Your parents would kill you, you've had enough trouble the past couple months" I say and he agrees by nodding.

"At least give me a morning kiss" he basically demands and I look at him to see if he's joking. I lean close to him and right before our lips should meet I whisper. "Not with morning breath" and he rolls his eyes.

I lift myself back up still sitting on his lap and he pouts making me giggle. "Don't go all stroppy on me now E" I say and he smiles, knowing he couldn't keep a straight face.

"I don't care about morning breath so why should you" he says, making a good point. "Ugh fine you begger" I say jokingly and place my lips on top of him. He lets out a satisfied hum before I pull away and get off him.

While I'm about to hop off his bed I feel him grab my waist and pin me down on the bed. "What are you doi-" I start to giggle and he cuts me off by attaching his lips to mine while his hands roam my body.

His lips go down to my neck and starts to suck on my sweet spot. "Ugh E" I basically moan and he lifts his head up to my face. He goes to my ear and whispers "who's the better now" before getting off me.

"You little bitc-" I start while he's walking into his restroom. "Don't start on me now babe" he says and I just roll my eyes.
It's 1:20 and I'm waiting in car at the airport. Tyler texted me five minutes ago saying they have landed.

Ten minutes later I'm startled by my dad knocking on my car door.

I open the door and wrap my arms around him and he squeezes me tight. "Missed you both" I say and he lets go.

"We missed you too sis" Tyler says putting his bags in the back seats. "And I heard you made Captain right?" I ask and his eyes light up. He's always worked hard to get that place on his team. He nods and then I tell them to get in the car so we can go home.

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