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Madison's POV:
"I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow, these past five days have gone so quick" I say as me and Cindy are sitting on my couch eating cereal.

"I know, let today be a fun day. One we can remember until next time we visit each other" she says excitedly.

"Cind, don't take this the wrong way, but I was actually gonna ask Ethan to meet me somewhere today, to uhm talk about what happened" I say and she looks at me shocked.

"Why would you want to do that?" She asks as I furrow my brows. "Well I'm not just going to let my boyfriend let me walk away like that" I say like it's obvious.

She's acting strange and defensive and I don't like it.

"Go hang out with Layla and Lauren, in sure they won't mind" I suggest and she nods. "Okay, well good luck with Ethan I guess" she says bluntly walking into her room to change.

I've either missed something or I'm so oblivious to what's happened.

I texted Ethan asking him to meet me, since I live in the city and he doesn't I was probably going to end up driving to him.

Hey Ethan, I hope we can talk somewhere today? Meet me at our spot in an hour?... I love you

Not even a minute later I hear a notification coming from my phone.
Uh sure, I got questions about something, see you soon, love u

The difference between the 'I love you' and 'love u' just proves that he's still mad. Mad at me for something that I'm not even sure of yet.
I pulled up at a random street in jersey and parked my car there. I walked 3 minutes until I reached the abandoned park me and Ethan always meet at.

The park that we always use to go to when we were pre teens. The park that he told me he was falling for me in.

I see the swings and no one was there. I got a lump in my throats of the thought that he could have bailed on me already.

I waited two minutes, slightly swaying on the old swing with an empty one right beside me. I was playing with my fingers from all my nerves building up, I just want to see him.

Ethan's POV;
My feet crunch the levels that fell from the trees above me, walking along the dark path that leads to the park. Our park.

I see Madison swinging on the half broken swing that was at the far end of the park. She was looking down at her fingers, obviously thinking.

Once I'm in sight she looks up at me and she lets out a weak smile. "Hey" she says quietly, but her voice could still be heard.

"Hi" I reply placing myself on the swing beside her. She stops swinging since it was making a noise and turns her body to mine.

"Ethan what's going on? Please talk to me" she says, her voice cracking slightly.

"I heard something, about you-you and a another boy" I confess looking at her beautiful eyes. I see them go wide in shock.

"What do you mean, w-what boy Ethan?" She asks. "I don't know who, but apparently he was at the party last night" I say and she bites her lip.

"Ethan the only boys I was with last night was you, Grayson and Brandon, so you obviously didn't see me with anyone" she says.

"I didn't see you with anyone, but Cindy did" I say and her brows furrow.

Madison's POV;
"But Cindy did" what was he talking about.

"Wait, what are you talking about Eth" I ask and he sighs heavily. "Cindy told me something, she knows it wasn't her place but she felt like I needed to know" he admits, I'm so confused.

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